Cognate Inquisition (Fitz POV)

Start from the beginning

And the second thing?

Shouldn't we talk about the first?

He reached up to drag a hand down his face. Yeah, we probably should. And...I guess it is a little hard watching you take over--not because I don't think you're doing a good job. It's just...I'm a Vacker. I grew up with everyone expecting me to do all kinds of great things. And sometimes I still want to be that guy that everyone looks to--even though I know it's silly.

And embarrassing to admit it. Was he really so petty as to be jealous over something Sophie couldn't control--and frankly didn't want?

Clearly I just need to remind myself that I already did the most important thing I'll probably ever do, he continued. I found the Moonlark.

She smiled at him. You did.

So...are we good on that topic, then? Should we move on to the second thing you wanted to talk about?

She took a deep breath, like she was trying to steady herself. Okay. The other thing is...I can tell it REALLY bothers you that I'm unmatchable. And...that bothers ME.

He sank back into the pillows. I had a feeling you were going to bring that up. And...I wish I could be one of those people who doesn't care about matchmaking--especially since I do see how unfair it can be. I just don't know if I'm brave enough to be a bad match. But...I'm trying to work on it.

He would get used to it if he had to. If she would just trust him, and commit to really giving their romance a fair try...he would get used to it. Maybe eventually she'd change her mind and find her parents and be able to register, but even if not...all he knew was that he missed her. Who knew, maybe after they finished their Inquisition and went to see Wylie, they could get the information they needed, pass it on to the Collective, and then he'd bring her home. And maybe even kiss her goodnight.

The thought made his stomach give a pleasant little lurch.

It's okay if you don't want to deal with a bunch of drama, she told him. I'd rather not deal with it either. But I can't change what I am--and I know you think I can, but I swear, if there were any way I could reveal my genetic parents, I would. So can you at least believe me on that and stop pressuring me about it?

Of course. And...I'm really sorry for making you feel pressured.


He tore his hands through his hair. My turn?

Sophie curled her knees into her chest. Yeah, I guess.

The poor girl looked like she was bracing for impact.

Don't look so scared. I actually only have two things to talk about too. And the first one's really easy. I just want to make sure you've fully forgiven me for all the awful things I've said over the years, because I really, truly am sorry.

I...think I have. I was a little surprised when it seemed like I had any lingering resentment, because I wasn't aware that I did.

Do you think maybe that's because you try to tell yourself what you SHOULD feel? He asked her.

Maybe? But I don't know how to stop that.

I don't either. But just...know you have every right to let me know when you're angry at me. I'm sure if you are, I deserve it. And I can handle the Foster Rage.

Can you? She countered. Let's not forget I'm an Inflictor.

He wasn't sure if he wanted to shudder or laugh.

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