LV: Tarot Reading

Start from the beginning

Shortly after a voice yelled Carlos' name over at the cottage, making the boy's attention, they snapped their heads to who the voice belonged to and saw it belonged to Priscilla. She was still in one of the rooms in the cottage. Priscilla motioned Carlos to come over to the house

Jay looks back at Carlos with a slight smirk. "Better see what your girlfriend wants," He said with a bit of amusement. Carlos rolls his eyes as he turns his head back at Jay, a small smile on his face betraying him. "I'll teach the boys tourney basics myself"

The De Vil boy thanked his friend with a slight slap on the arm and stood up and made his way to the cottage to meet his girl in the room she was in

Once he made it inside, he walked up the stairs to the second floor to the room Evie had offered to the couple once she got the cottage. Right after Carlos opened the door and went into the room, he immediately stopped in his tracks when Priscilla stood in front of the mirror looking at herself

Priscilla looked up when she heard the door to the room open. She saw Carlos through the mirror and her face lit up when she spotted him. Priscilla turns around to face him. Her hand flew up to her chest and she patted herself down "What do you think?" She asked him, She looked over her shoulder to see the back of her dress then she looked back at Carlos "I was planning to wear it tomorrow to the party" She explained

Carlos stood still by the door as he continued to stare at Priscilla. Carlos took a step forward enough to close the door behind him. Priscilla turned back around to the mirror patiently waiting for him to say something. As she turned around Carlos walked towards the girl and stood behind her. Priscilla watched his every move as Carlos' hands landed on her arms and slid up to her shoulders

Priscilla smiled at him slightly at the skin contact. She started to play with her star necklace. "You look beautiful, Pris" He complimented the girl, and he moved her hair to the side exposing her left shoulder. Priscilla smiled brightly at the compliment and her cheeks got tinted with pink

Carlos began to kiss her shoulder affectionately before tilting her head to the side to place a gentle kiss on her lips "I got to go back to Jay and the twins outside" Carlos said against her lips before backing away even more to look at her in the eyes

Priscilla looked back at him in the eyes then to his lips and back to his eyes "Okay" Cilla told him with a small smile "I'll meet you guys outside when I get out of this dress" Carlos returned the smile, his hands cups her neck and kissed her once again, lingering a bit longer "I'll see you out there" He said, backing away

Priscilla stepped out of the cottage and almost right away noticed the four boys playing Tourney. Cilla looked to the side and saw Celia playing with her tarot cards. Curious, she walked towards the young VK. Celia was quick to notice Priscilla and smiled, she spread her cards in front of her face "Want a reading?"

Priscilla did an upside-down smile and sat down in front of the girl "Sure" She answered as she scooted closer to the table. The cards were still spread out in front of her. Celia began to shuffle her cards a bit more before placing three tarot cards down on the table

Priscilla crossed her leg on top of the other and placed her hands on her lap as she waited for Celia to finish. She watched Celia flip the first card revealing a love card. Priscilla looked up at the girl to explain the obvious card "It looks like you will have your first 'I love you's'" Celia read the card, a cheeky smile on her face

"What?" Priscilia stretched out the word, shocked. She looks at the card closer as Celia hums, Priscilla opens her mouth to ask more questions but Celia shuts her down by flipping the second card revealing, a friendship card

"You're gonna have a new friendship blossom"

"On, that's good," Priscilla sighed and smiled as she leaned back on her chair. Celia nodded her head as she placed the card where it was on the table "And it looks like it will be very soon" Celia added

"How soon?" Priscilla asked the daughter of Dr. Facilier only for the VK to hold out her hand to Priscilla.
Priscilla could only chuckle at Celia and hand the girl a five. Celia's eyes widened at the money before answering Cilla's question "More like tomorrow soon"

Priscilla Ooh'ed at the answer and began to wonder who it would be that she'd form a friendship with. Celia turned the last card revealing a betrayal card "Betrayal? Priscilla questioned, seeing the card, butterflies swarming in her stomach

Celia began to hum at the card as if she was trying to read it and explain it to the nervous girl in front of her "Someone you are close with or love is going to betray you" Celia spoke slowly, Priscilla furrowed her eyebrows at her words and ponder at the thought of someone betraying her at some point

Celia began to collect her cards slowly as Priscilla mindlessly handed her some money knowing the young girl, Celia walked away from Priscilla, knowing she needed space. Priscilla stayed in her seat deep in her mind

A few minutes later, Carlos noticed his girlfriend seated alone, her back facing him. Curious and worried, he went to her. Making it towards her, he touched her shoulder making Priscilla jump in her seat. Priscilla turned her tread to see it was Carlos behind her. Carlos moves to the seat beside her. He moved the chair closer to Cilla and sat down

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" Carlos apologized, he gave her a small smile as he rested his forearm on the table. Priscilla returned the small smile

"It's okay," She said softly, she moved a strand of her hair behind her ear. Carlos squinted his eyes at her, noticing that something was wrong "Are you okay?" He questions suspiciously. Priscilla just nodded her head at his question "Yeah, it's just I had a tarot reading with Celia and it got me thinking" She said as she leaned back on the chair and let out a sigh just thinking about it even more

"Is it a good or bad reading?" Carlos asks really curious about the reading, he looks at Cilla with an eyebrow raise

"Both?" Priscilla said more like a question "It was more of a good one but it ended on a bad note" Her questioning tone continued as she tilted her head to the side and squinted her eyes. She looks off to the forest surrounding Evie's cottage, she turns back at Carlos, her whole body facing him "I'm particularly more stuck with the bad one"
Carlos gestures for her to continue with his hand as he pays attention to her every word. Priscilla listens and continues "The card said betrayal"

"Betrayal?" Carlos asks, now being the one confused about the card. Priscilla nods her head at him "Celia said and I quote "Someone you are close with or love is going to betray you"' Carlos furrows his eyebrows at her words, and he pokes his tongue on his cheeks as he begins to think "And I really want to know who it is, I know Celia can't tell me who it is with her cards so I have to be patient until the 'betrayal' happens"

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