Chanhoon - SOS

Depuis le début

One evening, as they were both in the studio working on a new song, Dino couldn't resist asking, "Hey, hyung, do you really like my hoodie that much?" Woozi looked up from his work, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. "Um, yeah."

He admitted, a sheepish smile tugging at his lips. "It just...makes me feel closer to you, I guess." Dino's heart skipped a beat at Woozi's words. He had never thought about his hoodie in that way, but hearing how much it meant to Woozi made him see it in a whole new light.

Without thinking, he blurted out, "You can keep it, if you want. It looks better on you anyway." Woozi's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you sure?" He asked, his voice tinged with disbelief. Dino nodded, a shy smile spreading across his face.

"Yeah, I mean...if it makes you happy, then I'm happy too." Woozi's smile grew wider, his heart swelling with affection for the younger. "Thank you, Dino." He said softly. "I'll take good care of it, I promise."

As they went back to working on their song, Dino couldn't help but steal glances at Woozi, feeling a newfound warmth and closeness between them. And as Woozi wrapped himself in the hoodie, he couldn't help but feel like Dino was right there with him, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

As they worked on their song, Dino and Woozi found themselves falling into a comfortable rhythm, their creative energies flowing seamlessly together. The studio was filled with music and laughter, and with each passing day, their bond grew deeper.

One evening, after a particularly productive session, they decided to take a break and grab some dinner. As they walked side by side down the bustling streets of Seoul, Dino couldn't help but notice how the city seemed to come alive under the glow of the streetlights.

He stole a glance at Woozi, who was walking beside him with a thoughtful expression on his face. "You know." Dino began, breaking the comfortable silence between them, "I never realized how much I missed spending time with you like this."

Woozi looked at him, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, me too." He admitted. "It feels like we've been so busy lately, it's nice to here, you know?" Dino nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of contentment settle over him.

As they reached the restaurant, they found a quiet corner table and settled in, the conversation flowing effortlessly between them. They talked about everything and nothing, sharing stories and memories as if no time had passed since their last heart-to-heart.

As they finished their meal and made their way back to the studio, Dino felt a sense of peace and happiness wash over him. He realized that in Woozi, he had found not just a bandmate, but a true friend and confidant.

And as Woozi wrapped himself in Dino's hoodie once again, Dino knew that their bond was something special, something worth cherishing. As they arrived back at the studio, Dino and Woozi settled back into their work, the warmth of their dinner conversation lingering between them.

They dove back into their song with renewed energy, their creative sparks igniting a fire of inspiration that seemed to burn brighter than ever before. As they worked side by side, Dino couldn't help but steal glances at Woozi, admiring the way his eyes sparkled with passion and determination.

He found himself drawn to Woozi's presence, his quiet confidence and unwavering dedication to their music. Woozi, too, was lost in the music, his fingers flying across the keyboard as he brought their melody to life.

He felt a sense of freedom and exhilaration as the notes flowed from his fingertips, each chord resonating with the depth of their connection. As they reached the final chorus of their song, Dino and Woozi shared a knowing glance, a silent understanding passing between them.

They were in sync, their hearts beating to the same rhythm, their souls intertwined in a melody that was uniquely theirs. And as the last note faded into the night, Dino and Woozi sat back, a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction washing over them.

They had created something beautiful together, something that spoke to the depths of their friendship and the power of their bond. As they packed up for the night, Dino couldn't help but feel grateful for the hoodie that had brought them closer together.

As they sat in the studio, Dino's mind was elsewhere. He couldn't shake off the feeling of sadness that had been lingering within him for days. His thoughts were a jumble of emotions, and he found it hard to focus on anything else.

Woozi noticed Dino's distant expression and knew that something was wrong. He had been watching Dino closely, sensing the shift in his mood. Without a word, Woozi got up from his seat and walked over to where Dino was sitting.

"Dino, what's been bothering you?" Woozi asked gently, placing a hand on Dino's shoulder. Dino looked up, startled by Woozi's sudden proximity. "I...I don't know." He admitted, his voice tinged with sadness. "I just feel so lost lately. I can't seem to shake off this feeling of emptiness."

Woozi sat down beside him, his heart aching for his friend. "You don't have to go through this alone, Dino." He said softly. "I'm here for you, no matter what." Dino felt a surge of warmth at Woozi's words. He turned to look at him, his eyes searching for reassurance.

"Thank you, hyung." He said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know what I would do without you." Without another word, Woozi leaned in and pressed his lips to Dino's, a gentle and tender kiss that spoke volumes.

In that moment, everything else faded away, and all that mattered was the warmth of their embrace. As they pulled away, Dino's eyes were filled with surprise and confusion. "Hyung, what was that?" He asked, his voice shaking with emotion.

Woozi looked into Dino's eyes, his own filled with determination. "That was me showing you how much you mean to me." He said, his voice steady. "I care about you more than I can put into words, Dino. I want to be there for you, to support you and love you, if you'll let me."

Dino was speechless, his heart racing with a mix of emotions. He had never expected this confession from Woozi, and yet, deep down, he knew that it was exactly what he needed to hear. "I...I feel the same way, hyung." Dino finally managed to say, his voice filled with emotion.

"I've been so afraid to admit it, but I care about you too. More than just a friend." Woozi smiled, a weight lifting off his shoulders. "Then let's not waste any more time pretending." He said, leaning in to kiss Dino once again, sealing their newfound love with a promise of a future together.

As their lips met in another tender kiss, Dino felt a sense of peace wash over him. He had spent so long burying his feelings, afraid of what they might mean for their friendship, but now, with Woozi's lips pressed against his, all of those fears melted away.

As they pulled back, Dino looked into Woozi's eyes, seeing nothing but love and understanding reflected back at him. "I never knew... I never realized..." He trailed off, at a loss for words. Woozi smiled softly, brushing a stray hair from Dino's forehead.

"It's okay, Dino. We don't have to rush anything. We can take this one step at a time, together." Dino nodded, a sense of relief flooding through him. "I just... I don't want to lose you." He admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "You won't."

Woozi reassured him, squeezing his hand gently. "I'm here for you, no matter what. We'll figure this out together." They sat in silence for a while, the weight of their newfound feelings settling between them. It was a lot to process, but for the first time in a long time, Dino felt hopeful about the future.

As they left the studio that night, their hands intertwined, Dino knew that this was the beginning of something beautiful. He didn't know what the future held, but he was excited to find out, with Woozi by his side every step of the way.

Dino / Lee Chan OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant