"Of course you are right Callie, but it doesn't make me any less saddened, unfortunately. That treehouse has meant so much to me, to Sophia and to us. It's where we shared a kiss, just two years ago, that catapulted our renewed relationship. It breaks my heart that it was so easily damaged."

"Well, I never thought about it that way, Arizona, but I suppose that small, elevated hut, did help to rekindle our relationship. In a round about way, if you didn't have the treehouse two years ago, we wouldn't have had a secluded space to let our emotions run wild. Who knows if and when we would have gotten together without having that alone time. One thing's for sure, even though the treehouse was damaged, nothing can damage the love we now share."

We both got silent for a moment, as we each quietly reflected on the role the treehouse had played in us getting back together and married, again.

"I know, Callie. That much I definitely know." We hugged again in time to hear knocking on our front door. "Must be my parents! No shock they are 15 minutes earlier than they said they would be!"

Callie let go, after kissing my cheek and went to let her in-laws inside, as I followed behind. When we opened the door, we were greeted by not only my parents, but another gentleman who appeared to be with them as they stood on the front porch.

The man looked to be in his late 30's, or maybe early 40's, I'm terrible with judging age. He had an olive complexion and a light beard, that truthfully looked like he just hadn't shaved that morning. He was tall and probably just over 6 feet in height. His hair was a 'dirty blonde,' color and was neat and precise, like he just had it cut, yesterday. He had broad shoulders and appeared to be in amazing shape from how muscular he seemed. I noticed he was carrying a backpack, the was slung over his right shoulder, only.

"Arizona and Callie, I'd like you to meet, Sargent Major Charles Cole, US Army, Retired. He heard about the tree in your yard and came to lend a hand." 

As my Dad talked, the incredibly formal man thrust his right hand in my direction to shake my hand and then Callie's while saying, "Arizona and Callie, it's a pleasure to meet you both and please, I go by, 'Chip.'"

My Mom piped up and said, "Girls, Chip is our neighbor and only lives a few houses away from us. He moved into the neighborhood a month ago, after his retirement. He came over to check on your Dad and I this morning when we told him about your house. He insisted he come and help, so here we are!" 

I could see the joy in my parent's faces at their new found neighbor and friend. It was cute, in a very parental kind of way. 

"Hope that's okay I'm dropping by uninvited, ladies. I brought over a cart with my tools and can stay out of your way while I work."

"Did you just apologize for coming over to help us, because we didn't invite you?! Chip! You are welcome anytime at our house and especially today when you've offered to help us get the tree dealt with! Get in here!"

Callie was frantically, over-exaggerating while motioning for our visitors to step inside as I laughed. Clearly, Chip had been a military man for the majority of his life by the decorum he carried himself with. Which, was oddly comforting to the daughter of another lifer in the armed services. I grew up around other folks like Chip, so his professionalism and respect, was normal to me.

I ushered everyone into the kitchen as I helped my Mom unpack all the food she brought over. And, as promised, my Mom had literally cooked up a storm, in the midst of the storm. She made cookies, fudge, a cheesecake, beef stew, macaroni with white cheese, potato salad, lasagna and cornbread. It looked like she had been literally cooking for an army.

"Chip, thank you so much for coming over to help, can I get you some coffee or something else before you brave the outdoors?" Callie had poured a cup of coffee for my folks while speaking, as Chip nodded and pointed at my Dad's mug.

The Aftermath of Callie and Arizona - Volume IINơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ