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TW: Age regression, Fluff, Crying.

trill takes care of Matt when he is in little space,

I had to redo this😭 sucked ass

Their in boston, by the way!

TRILLS POV: I was sitting down on the couch in the sturniolos home. Chris and I were playing Mariocart until we got bored. Nick and Chris were actually going to spend the night at Nathan's
They are gonna leave at 6. It was 5 at the moment, so they were getting ready to leave. Matt didn't want to go, so he asked me if I wanted to spend the night here
I gladly said yes! I love spending time with Matt. I actually got Matt a gift. It was a teddy bear. I know it's kinda dumb but I thought he would like it,
The bear had a light blue bow tie and had dark blue fur. It was really soft, too!
I think it's cute.

When Matt asked if I wanted to stay.
Nick and chris eyed each other and looked at me. When I took a glance at them, they immediately turned away.
Idk what that was about, but whatever
They, Nick and Chris, went to go talk to Matt in private. Maybe I did something wrong? When they came back, tho, they seemed less worried. I didn't bother to ask what they were talking about. Besides, it was supposed to be private.

"Okay, we're leaving," Chris shouted up the stairs. "OKAY, BYEE," Matt yelled loud enough for chris to hear, I went downstairs so I didn't have to yell.
"See you guys tomorrow." I said, giving them both a side hug. "Bye," Nick said, smiling at me before he walked out,
Chris followed him. I made my way back up the stairs and into Matt's room
"Do you wanna watch a movie?" Matt asks me, I nod my head."Sure, can we watch Annabelle?" I said. It took Matt a few seconds to respond, "Uh-.. Yeah, that sounds good." Matt said, kinda nervously. 'Does he not like scary movies?' I decided to ask him.
"Do you not like horror movies. If so, we don't have to watch it." "What, no?... I like, them.. A lot," Matt said, I wasn't buying it. I just nod my head.

We were only 4 minutes into the movie, and Matt was hiding under the blankets.
I was chuckling quietly, "Matt, seriously, we don't have to watch this if you don't want to." I said, pulling the cover a little bit off his face so I could look at him.
He shakes his head no, "I want to watch it, really. I'll be fine." He said, taking the blankets off of himself. I mumble a "Mhm." We continued watching the movie. We were halfway in now. And the really scary parts were coming.
I guess I was kinda lost in the movie bc I didn't notice a whimpering, scared Matt next to me. I turned over once I heard him. There he was. huddled up in the blanket, tears falling from his blue eyes, and quiet sobs leaving his mouth.
"Matt, I said we didn't have to watch this." I said a little annoyed, but also a little sad that Matt was crying.
"I-i know, but.. I don knos." Matt said, sobbing a bit louder now.
'Don knos?' Huh. "Matt, it's okay," I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.
"I don want to wach this any mo." Matt said, throwing himself on me, full-on crying now. My eyes go wide a bit at first due to the outburst, but I am also confused as to why he sounds like.. a toddler? It might be bc he's crying.
I wrap an arm around him, I've never seen someone act like this bc of a movie

I grab the remote and turn the TV off.
"It's okay, Matt, it's just a movie." I said,
He shakes his head no, frantically,
"It's not! She gona get me!" He cried harder into my chest. I cringe when I saw some of his spit land on me.
After a good 3 minutes, he calmed down.
"I hawte scarwy movies." Matt grumbles
Why is he still talking like that? I'll just ask him. "Why are you talking like that?" I asked him, and he looked up at me confused, "Wha do you means?" He said, "Like that. Reminds me of a kid," I said, chuckling. He looked away from me, embarrassed. He then sat up and mumbled, "I gotta use the bathroom real quick." While walking out.
'That's strange. He was just talking like a kid. What happened to that?'

I heard matts footsteps, "Hey uhm. There's something I need to tell you." Matt said, playing with his fingers, looking at the floor. I put my phone down, putting my attention on him.
"What is it," He looked at me but broke eye contact after a second. "So, I uhm.. I-i
have this thing were, I like slip into a space, little space. I act like a kid when that happens, an-and I can't control it,
There's nothing I can do about it. I-im sorry I'm now just telling you, but I thought you would look at me like I was d-disgusting. It's just when I get excited or-or scared! nervous or sa-sad." Matt rambled, his voice cracking. I stood up.

NO ONES POV: Trill walked over to the sad boy and gave him a hug.
"You're not disgusting." Trill said, Matt hugged him back, hiding his face in the crook of Trills neck. "Thaek you," Matt said, going into little space. Already feeling super comfortable around trill
"Hey, I actually got something for you," Trill said, pulling away and smiling at the little. "REALWY!" Matt yelled in excitement, "Yeah," Trill said, "I think I could get used to this fast.' He thought.

Trill went outside to the car real quick to get the surprise. Matt was waiting on the couch, wondering what it could possibly be. Trill soon came back, with the gift behind his back. It wasn't wrapped up,
It didn't need to be, not like it was a birthday present or Christmas.
"Give it to meee!" Matt said, making grabbing hands, wanting to see what trill got just for him. "Okay," Trill said, chuckling at Matt's excitement.
He handed Matt's his gift. He absolutely loved it. "I love it!" Matt said, in a high-pitched voice. "I'm glad you do,"
"Thaek you so much trillwy!" Matt says,
Running over to hug trill. Matt wraps his arms tight around him,
"You're welcome." Trill said, laughing while hugging the little back.

"Do you wanna go watch a movie again?" Trill asked, Matt didn't know if he meant scary or happy. "Happy moviee," the little says. "Mhm," Trill hums. "Yeah! I wana watch uhmm, bambi!(Love that movie to death.)" Matt said, all excited to watch it. "Okay, if that's what you want, down here or upstairs?" Trill asks Matt. "Ups Stairs,"
Trill nods his head, Trill starts making his way over to the stairs but gets stopped by Matt. "What?" Trill says as he turns his to look at Matt, "Carry me.?" Matt asks, "Sure," Trill says, giving Matt a warm smile. He picks Matt up with ease. "Yayy!" Matt says, not expecting trill to actually do it.

Trill starts walking up the stairs. Matt was laying his head on Trills shoulder,
Falling asleep. Once they got to Matt's room, Trill went to put Matt down but got stopped by Matt again. "NO! Hold me," Matt says, making a pouting face.
How could trill say no to that? He couldn't. "Okay," Trill says as he sits down, trying to get comfortable and making sure Matt is also. Once their comfy, trill puts on Bambi. Matt was watching the movie while Trill was on his phone. "Hey, watch the movie with me!" Matt says, trill laughs a bit before putting his phone down. "Okay, okay, I'll watch it," Trill said, "Gwood." Matt says, as he gets more comfortable.

Matt fell asleep with his teddy in his arms, Trill fell asleep with Matt in his arms.


WOO-HOOO!! I thought this was a pretty good idea, I hope you guys liked this just as much as I do!

Tell me what your favorite movies are!

Love you guys with all my heart!
Stay lovely

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