chap 2

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_i will send the guards to check on this matter at once, my prince
Taekwoon said and bowed
_general kim's son is here to meet your highness...he has directly rode to the castle
A servant said
_let him in immediately
Hongbin eyes shone as he heard this
Taekwoon bowed and turned to leave.
The doors opened and a fine fit figure appeared, with firm and confident steps he walked in.
Taekwoon eyes were pierced toward the door while passing the young man.
out of curiosity he changed his gaze to the man passing by him. once he saw the face of the guard, he was shocked by the immerse beauty. His heart started beating faster and unconsciously he turned to his back and stared at the guard.
As the result he almost tripped, although he was successful in controlling his balance, this dragged him back to the reality again.
_it's my pleasure to give my life to your highness
He said and bowed as he stood before the prince sitting on the throne
_leave us alone...
Everyone left as hongbin commanded
_wonshika...I missed u so much
Hongbin stood up and walked toward him with open arms
_me too
Wonshik took a step forward and hugged him tight
_i heard u directly came to the palace...
Hongbin said as they broke the hug
_i wanted to see the crown prince as soon as possible
_it was a long journey...u must be exhausted...go home and rest for a day or two...then we will meet for dinner...Is your house ready and clean?
_yes my prince...I've been told that maids even have got ready the bath for the moment I arrive we will meet for dinner after tomorrow night...
_i can't wait for it...
Wonshik bowed and walked toward the door.

_check it out who was the guard left the crowm prince when I was walking inside
Wonshik told his servant as they were walking in the garden to exit the palace
_yes my lord
He replied shortly.

The dinner with the crown prince

_leave us alone
As hongbin commanded all the servants left the room.
_i hope you like the dinner
_its so delicious my prince
_i heard u have went to see the king
_im sorry my prince if I did something wrong
_no...absolutely not
_i came early for the dinner so II could meet the king as well and sent the general's greeting to the royal family
_it was nice of u and general kim
_thanks my prince
_i still clearly remember the time we spent together
_i treasure those memories
_like it was yesterday
_Those 3 months were the best time of my whole life u remember when we barged in the meeting... fell on our knees and begged our fathers
Hongbin said while he couldn't stop laughing
_my father was so furious at me...
_he thought u talked me in to this... he couldn't believe I forced u to the begging plan
_still sometimes my father says that it was my plan
_dont tell me general kim still cant believe it
_he cant believe it
Wonshik said and shook his head with a big smile on his lips
_hahaha...but the plan was successful and we spent 3 months together... and we even become good friends... I want us to be good friends like just we were kids
_its my honor my father is so proud that the he has the full trust of royal family..."when king and crown prince came to check on and king was back after a week...I was honored to hospitality the crown prince for a 3 months vacation"... he always says this with proud
_he gained this trust with his hard work and royalty
_its kind of crown pr8nce and the royal family...
_im sure u will even surpass general kim
_i try my best to do so under my prince supports
_i have some good plans for u...
_may I ask what are them?...
Wonshik asked out of curiosity
_first of all ull be the guards head's right man ... I know both of u are capable men... so u can learn so much from each other...and when it's the right time... ull be honored a general and sent to a border town and be the lord...
_as my prince commands
Wonshik replied with humble and bowed.

After finishing dinner, wonshik walked toward the stable to get on his horse and head home.
_i know who he is my lord...
After some time, his servant came and started walking a step behind wonshik
Wonshik asked while thinking about the plan prince had for him
Wonshik looked toward the stable door at a man riding on a horse, exactly where his servant was pointing with his eyes.
He was amazed once again with the portrait god has painted
Those kitten eyes, white skin with rose colored lips shining under the moon. His firm figure on the horse caused wonshik heart to skip a bit.
He couldn't take his eyes off and just followed him with his eyes until he was disappeared.
_my lord...
_ah... u scared me...
Wonshik was so mesmerized that got scared by the voice of his servant
_lets take the horse and I tell u who he is when we arrive home
Wonshik just stepped inside the stable without saying a word

_he's king's eldest son...
The servant said while he was helping wonshik to change his clothes and get ready for sleep
_king?... He's a prince?...
_before king get officially married to the queen he had a wife...she passed away few months after the delivery... it's said she was badly ill ever since pregnancy... jung taekwoon is technically a prince though he had officially withdrawn from all the rights... and had sworn to take care of his younger brothers and sisters...princes and princesses...
_so he's a prince... why he was leaving the palace then tonight?...
_he doenst stay at palace...he has a home in town in fact he lives almost near us... few minutes away from here
_good job... wake me up early in the morning I will serve in the king's guard
Wonshik said after some mins thinking
_oh...I forgot...
_hes the head of guards right now
Wonshik couldn't believe what he just heard.

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