27. Inconveniences

Start from the beginning

But then who was it? Maybe some older Slytherins? But why? It just didn't make any sense. Nonetheless, once Finnian was ready, they went to their first class. Potions.

Professor Slughorn gathered the essays and then introduced them to the ingredients they will be needing for today's potion, Strengthening potion. Severus sent Edmond to gather the ingredients while he prepared their station.

He checked if the cauldron was clean, after what he heard happened to the Gryffindor class on November 3rd he wanted to be sure, and arranged the knives, cutting board, ladle, gloves... Once Edmond was back, the preparation could begin.

Everything was going great. Severus was cutting, measuring and adding the ingredients while Edmond stirred the potion clockwise. He had already added a snake fang and all that was left was to add a head of Fanged Geranium.

Severus had already sliced it, so he reached for the cutting board while still looking at Edmond because nobody was to be trusted around his potions. He tilted the board and the slices of Fanged Geranium plopped into the liquid.

Everything looked great, the potion started getting that bright orangey color just like their textbook described. Severus couldn't wait for professor Slughorn to come and check on them, hell the man would probably even give them some points given that they finished first.

But suddenly, little bubbles started forming in the cauldron making Severus' breath hitch. With every passing second, they became bigger and bigger while the potion started to turn purple color. And just like that, Severus' potion exploded coating him and Edmond in purple head to toe.

"Oh, dear", professor Slughorn said as the chaos caught his attention.

Severus wasn't even mad, he was just shocked. His potions never exploded, he was always so careful with everything.

Professor came closer to see what had actually happened. He looked at the cauldron and then at the cutting board, "Oh Severus, you can't add octopus tentacles to Strengthening potion.", he gestured to the cutting board while giving Severus a sympathetic look, "The ink would mess with the snake fang and turn the potion purple and explosive.", he then flicked his wand and cleaned up the remains of the potion from the two Slytherin boys and from the cauldron.

But I didn't add octopus tentacles, Severus thought to himself. Then he remembered breakfast. His head snapped towards the cutting board and, sure enough, there were little purple stains that the Fanged Geranium couldn't have left. What the hell is going on?

Panicking a little, Severus started turning around, searching everywhere for the Gryffindors. He knew that they would try and get them back for the teeth prank, hell he was even confused why it took them this long. But after his eyes scanned every corner of the Potions classroom and found nothing, Severus was left angry and confused.

Throughout the whole day, weird inconveniences continued happening to the Slytherins. After Potions, they had History of Magic and when Severus wanted to read some passage for professor Binns out loud, his History of Magic textbook suddenly became a Charms textbook resulting in him having to apologize while frantically searching his bag for the right textbook.

Then at lunch, when Danon filled his plate with potatoes and went to take a bite with a fork, all of the potatoes became olives without anyone noticing. Even the one on the boy's fork which Danon ended up spitting out.

In Transfiguration, Finnian went to McGonagall to hand in his homework, but on the way back he didn't even reach his seat before the professor called him to return. She then explained to him that he needs to hand in a Transfiguration homework, not Herbology homework or she will subtract house points from Slytherin. Sure enough, the homework that the boy handed in was titled Useful and Usless sides of Asphodel.

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