chapter 4

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I was in my husband's tomb, talking to him one more last one more, time.

before leaving, headed to go to the lands of the redwoods. in the background of the tomb, there were candles lit, there were vines woven everywhere in the tomb.

" dearest" I whispered at the time, "As we embark on this journey to the redwoods, I carry the weight of our shared past and the hope of a future yet to unfold." I closed my eyes at the moment, remembering lovely memories of my husband. hearing his laughter, whispered promises, and everything that we had been through. I reopened my eyes, "The signs have aligned, and the prophecy beckons us home. The rise is upon us," I said at the time, I took a breath before speaking once more "I feel your presence in the rustle of the leaves and the gentle sway of the branches. You, my love, are woven into the very fabric of the redwoods."

I said as I felt a soft breeze, for a second I believed it was the spirit of my past husband. "I carry your love, your wisdom, and the strength you bestowed upon me, I said as I felt a tear come down my face. I wiped the tears away, and then I started to speak once more "As we leave for the redwoods, know that you are forever a part of this journey. Your spirit, my beloved, guides us in the rise that awaits." I said before I heard footsteps there eria "It's time, my queen" She nodded before I took a last glance before leaving. with eria. once we got to the surface, from underground. there was the surface it was covered with snow I thought at the time. I was thankful I was wearing my winter gear, my snow slik tunic made from rare snow silk plants. deerskin leggings, my boots made from the hide of snow bears.

my cloak was made of ivory wolfskin, I had ice engraved breastplate in case of an attack. I had a crown made from crystals grown from the underground world where we used to live. I thought as I saw my horse, frostbite, his mane was a beautiful ivory color and his coat was deep ebony. I thought as she walked over to me, and I went to climb on top of her. eria, cryia was joining me on this long journey, and Po was a chimpanzee that had to join our Amazon tribe. Eihyia, cryia had taken in Eihyia when she was only a teenager. when she was only 5 years old, her parents were killed by humans that were led to believe. she was the only survivor, cryia took her in and treated her like a sister. I thought as I went to lead them, "Forward, my sisters," I said in a whisper as I heard frostfire hooves crunched softly on the frozen ground. 

AMAZON SERIES : BOOK Arera - QUEEN OF THE AMAZONWhere stories live. Discover now