The Transformation

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Disclaimer: I don't own vocaloid or this image. Reminder : This  chapter will just be just Lens pov but the next one will return to normal.

*Lens POV*

I wake up to some one kicking me. "Oi! Wake up! You can't sleep in my farm forever you know. You only paid for one night."

I quickly get up." Yes sir. Thank you." I say then leave. I've been sleeping wherever people would take me for the past month.

Yesterday was my 15th birthday so that means she must be engaged by now.

I think I'm about to cry. No matter how many times I try to sneak into her mansion the guards always catch me. No I can't give up yet.

Engagements can always be cancelled. It's not like she's married. Ok I can't cry.

I go to the market to buy some bananas for breakfeast. "Thank you." I say and hand the fruit seller some money.

I walk away listening to everyone's conversations. Then two ladies caught my attention.

" Do you know Mr. Kagine?" "Yeah, he runs that company doesn't he?" "Yeah, I heard his daughter was kidnapped last night." "Oh, that poor girl." "I know right. Who knows what they could be doing to her." "Shes probably already dead."

I stop in my tracks while I try to process what I just heard. Rin was kidnapped. Rin was kidnapped. RIN WAS FREAKING KIDNAPPED!

I run over to the ladies." Do you have any more details about the kidnapping? I need to find her!"

"Well, the police said they found some footprints in the dark woods." The one on the right says. "They probably have a secret cabin to hide her." The one on the left adds.

"Thank you very much." I quickly say then run off. I have to find Rin before something awful happens to her. Don't worry Rin. I'm coming.

..............Time Skip..............

I arrive at the edge of the woods. There aren't many people that go in here because there are suppose to be wolves. I don't have any weapons but there isn't enough time to go back. I take a deep breath and take my first step into the dark woods.

I've been walking around for about 30 minutes now and the trail suddenly ends. That's weird. I guess if I get lost I'm screwed.

I keep going but I suddenly trip over a bush and fall into a clearing. I stand up and see there are trees around me lined in a perfect circle. I wonder who made this.

"Who's that?" I hear somebody whisper. "What a stupid human." What's going on? I don't see any one so where are the voices coming from?

Then I start to see movement in the bushes in front of me. In between the bushes I see a pair of red eyes starring at me.

I freeze in fear as the creature steps out. Its at least a ten foot tall wolf. It has a gorgeous black coat but besides its beauty it had something sinister about it. It obviously wasn't a normal wolf.

"You foolish human. What makes you brave enough to enter my forest? " Two more wolves appear behind him while it talks. The black must be their leader. He sniffs the air.

"You smell quite good and I would very much like to eat you. I am the God of wolves and humans are not allowed here. So I'll ask you again human. What makes you want to come to the deep part of the forest?" He asks in a ruff ancient voice.

Should I tell this creature why I'm here? If I don't will he eat me? If I do will he eat me? If I don't say anything I will definitely be eaten.

"I'm here because someone I care about deeply has been kidnapped and I heard she had been brought here." I say as confidently a fifteen year old boy can say to a Wolf God.

The blond one to his right spoke up." He must be talking about the humans I smelled yesterday just outside of our territory."

The leader never took his eyes off of me then he puts on a menacing smile. I gulp. The next thing I know he turns into a human. The two behind him hesitate but eventually change too.

I gasp. Their eyes stayed their blood red colour and the leaders shaggy hair is quite thick and I have to admit he looks beautiful in one of those ways that people look beautiful because they look alien.

"In all of my years, I've never seen humans do more reckless things than when it comes to their mate." He says. I blush at the word mate but don't say anything.

"How many people did you smell yesterday Ragnorok?" He asks the blond.

"Two grown males and a female pup." He answers obediently.

The leader turns back to me." You don't have any weapons and you aren't very strong.  Even if you were able to find her do you honestly think you can defeat these grown males when you yourself are just a pup?" He asks me.

"I don't know but I have to try. I can't just leave her there to die." I close my fists and look at the wolf man in the eyes.

He smiles wider. "Then how about you and I make a deal. I will give you the power to rescue your mate and when I need you, you will come to me and do what I wish."

I'm not stupid, I know what he wants. He will turn me into one of his kind and when he decides he wants me here to become part of his pack he will contact me.

It's not like I want to become a werewolf but he's right. I really don't stand a chance of saving her on my own.

"I'll do it." I have to save her no matter what happens to me.

"Smart pup." The leader simply says before he walks towards me.

He grabs my upper arm and bites it. I scream. The pain is a lot worse than someone normal biting you. The excruciating pain started in my arm then slowly spread throughout my body until I pass out.

.............Time Skip.............

I wake up in the clearing. I'm all alone but I remember what happened. It definitely wasn't a dream. I look at my hands and feel my face.

I haven't changed at all. That wolf lied. I stand up and punch a tree in frustration. Crack, snap. Huh? CRASH! "Aaaaahh!" I scream as the tree I punched falls to the ground.

Did I do that? I guess I did. Hmmm, if I'm stronger then am I faster too?

I quickly run around the clearing. Oh yeah, I'm definitely a lot faster.

My senses are sharper too. I sniff the air and immediately smell Rin. As always she smells like freshly cut grass. It's going to be a lot faster finding her than I thought.

Hold on. I smell two other people near her. That must be the filthy men that kidnapped her. I'm starting to get really angry and my whole body is tingling.

Suddenly I'm a lot taller. I look down and see paws instead of hands and feet. I must have changed into a giant wolf because of my rage.

I look around and see my cloths are shredded. I guess I'm going to have to stay in this form until I find some cloths. I just hope nobody sees me. After all, I don't look like the average golden wolf with this size.

I'm coming Rin. Just stay safe wherever you are until I get to you.

Her New Butler/His New Mistress (Rin x Len) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now