Our Song

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Disclaimer= I don't own vocaloid or the image or the song.

*Lens POV*

It's been two months since I've started working here. Apparently, Mrs. Kagine asked Rin to grow her hair out and it grows freakishly fast. It's already to her waist.

To be honest I normally wouldn't notice. It's just that rin has been making me brush it for her because it's " to much of a hassle." As she calls it.

As for me, Mrs. Kagine made me cut my hair because she thinks boys with short hair are "simply just adorable." That's what she said so now my hair is just like any other boys. Sigh, I miss my longer hair.

So far we have been able to keep our relationship a secret from Rins parents which im happy about but I'm starting to worry about the future. Someday Rins parents will want to set up an arranged marriage for her. It's always been like that in her family.

*DIINNG* The bell rings telling us school is over for the day. I look up to see rin waiting for me as usual. Apparently we have the same schedule so i can look after her but we don't have any other club members in our last class so it's always just us.

"Hurry up Len or we're gonna be late again." She says impatiently. I do as I'm told and she grabs my arm and practically drags me along as she runs.

"Wait rin! What's the rush? We have plenty of time to get there." I ask desperately trying to get her to slow down.

"Today's festival planning. We formulate a plan for our big performance that we have at the festival every year!" We are outside the club room now and she looks at me with big sparkly eyes filled with anticipation and excitement.

"But we're freshmen so isn't this your first year doing this event, just like me?" How can she know so much more about it when she has been in this club only a few months before me.

"That's all the more reason to be excited!"

She is to cute to stay frustrated with. I open the door for her and we walk in. "There they are! Ok, we can start the meeting." Miku begins." Since I'm the oldest and I've already done this twice I will be in charge. So this year we are gonna perform with partners. You and your partners will write a song, you will record it and then bring it to me for approval. Now the pair's are Gumi and Mikuo, Rin and Len, and Kaito is with me. Any questions?" She finishes explaining and asks.

Gumi raises her hand and asks," Yeah, will we still get to perform individual performances?"

"Oh yes, I completely forgot. Each of us will get to sing three individual songs and one duet with our partner." Miku answers.

An hour has passed since then and rin and i are walking back to her mansion. "What kind of song do you wanna do Len?"

"How about a love song?" I suggest. Out of the corner of my eye I see her blush and look away from me.

"S-sure. That sounds f-fine." She stutters.

"Or not. We dont have to. It was just a suggestion." I say cause she looks uncomfortable.

"No! I want to." She says. She is so stubborn. At least she never goes back on her word.

I open the front door of the mansion for her and we head to our rooms to change out of our school clothes.

I take my pants and shirt off and put on a pair of black shorts cause it's to hot to be wearing pants. I lay a button up white shirt on my bed when the door opens.

"Hey Len, do have any pa-!?" She stops mid sentence when she sees me shirtless and blushes. I smirk and walk over to her. I lean against the door frame and cross my arms in front of my chest.

Her face is priceless. She could put a cherry to shame.

"Paper? What kind do you need? Plane white or lined?" I ask her.

"PUT SOME CLOTHES ON YOU PERVERT!" She screams, then slams the door in my face.


*Rins POV*

Len opens the door to the recording studio and we walk in. "I still can't believe you have your own recording studio in your house." He states when we walk in.

"It was a birthday gift. He had it installed when I turned nine." What's the big deal about having my own recording studio?

We sit at the table and len pulls out some paper and pencils.

About half an hour later I say,"How about ' please stay by my side?" I suggest for the next line.

"No that's to cliche. We need something more intimate like,              ' please hold my distorted body close to you.' " Len says.

"Ok. Then after that,'only you can fill this hole in me.' "

A few hours later, we finish the lyrics and instrument. Then finally, we record it.( The song at the top)

"Rin we forgot something." Len tells me when he's transferring the song onto a disc.

Oh no. I always forget things. "What did we forget?" I ask cautiously.

"A name. What do you want to call it?" I'm glad that's all we missed.

I think for a minute while he finishes with the disc." How about, butterfly on your right shoulder?" "Sounds perfect to me rin." He says and flashes a smile at me that make my legs go weak.

Authors note= I'm sorry it was so short but i promise to make the next chapter longer.

Her New Butler/His New Mistress (Rin x Len) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now