My Childhood Friend (An Armpit Tickling Story)

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This story is fictional. The ticklish situations of the story was inspired by my friend LoudNoises55. It was because of her that this story could really come to life.

I was at the ripe age of 4 years old when we first became friends. We lived quite close to each other in a small town located in the Midwest of the US. Lush with plenty of trees and greenery, our neighborhood was a humble one.... though that did also mean we didn't really have many children our age. Due to that we became friends in a short amount of time. Her name, was Madeline. Now Madeline at a young age, loved to show her affection through the means of physical touch. Tickling to be more specific. Often times she would greet me with light tickles. I wasn't really very ticklish, but Madeline was different. She had always been extremely ticklish everywhere. Because of that, my revenge was always sweet when I tickled her back. There was something about her laughter and her reactions that put me under a spell. I would end up always tickling her back to the point where she would be on the ground laughing. Despite being so ticklish though, Madeline loved to be tickled. The way she laughed and tried her best to expose her most ticklish spots was more than enough proof of how much she loved it. It didn't take long for me to realize I had a fetish for it though as a kid I had no idea that's what it was called. Prodding my fingers over her vulnerable areas gave me much excitement. I especially loved tickling her armpits though. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that her armpits were about as ticklish as they could be. If I was to rate it on a scale, it would be rated as high as the scale would go. Not to mention how light and soft her skin was in her pits. It was just an absolute ticklish delight. She often wore tank tops when it was warm too, so they were plenty vulnerable all the time besides when it was cold.

Madeline's armpits very quickly became my fetish. Through the years we spent playing together my eyes would often be glued to her ticklish hollows. My favorite part was the crease. I loved the way It moved when she positioned her arms at different angles. I even loved the way it was marked when the skin of her armpits were stretched. Even when we were having normal conversations, I would look at her underarms whenever I got the chance watching every detail. Lucky for me though, Madison loved to expose her armpits. Due to my slight obsession, she often caught me looking at them, but wouldn't mind it at all. In fact, it seemed like she even encouraged me to touch and tickle them physically. Even going as far as to voluntarily leave them exposed for long periods of time in which I wouldn't be able to hold back from tickling those vulnerable creases of hers. Her tastes and my tastes we're at a perfect balance and all was good. Sadly though, when we reached the tender age of 10, my family moved away from our small neighborhood, and I lost contact with Madeline.

I spent the rest of my teenage years just living normally. I had a few friends, but none of them knew of my secrets. I always thought about my childhood tickle adventures with Madeline. Living while pretending I didn't have my fetishes was more difficult than I had thought. I didn't realize how much girls exposed their ticklish armpits and DIDN'T like to have them tickled. I was stuck only looking every now and then and pretending to ignore it like a normal person. Like all things done after long periods though, I got used to it. I graduated high school successfully and went on to be independent. I decided to move to Hawaii because I knew it was a tropical paradise! Thinking about how my childhood friend wore jackets during the the cold weather really affected my opinion of the low temp seasons. It was shortly after I went to Hawaii though that something that felt like destiny happened.

I was browsing through my Facebook and I saw on one of my recommended friends was someone named Madeline. I was now 21 years old and I assumed she was a similar age. Though she had become more womanly, I recognized her face easily. It was her. I excitedly sent her a friend request, and before long she accepted. She messaged me saying

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