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I wanted to bring awareness to this... many people know about this but there is also people who don't. Unfortunately right now In Palestine there are family and children getting their lives taken away due to a g*nocide they have no control over what's going on and they need our help with you support many children will live instead of the many children who have already passed away.

Many videos have shown of fathers and mothers or even siblings having to hold their dead relatives In their arms. There was a father holding the remaining parts of his children in plastic bags or a mother who got seriously injured and her child had to see her in a horrible state. Or the mother who held a piece of her sons skull..? Or the father that held his deceased infant daughter in his arms not wanting to let her go..? Or people's dreams getting crushed due to Israeli b*mbing down peoples homes? We need to step up and stop pretending these peoples lives aren't at risk. We need to support Palestine that's all they ask so please if your reading this right now if you give awareness to Palestine you are also going to give notice to the other places no one talks about like

-puerto rico

We need to step up. I may just be a person on this app but I will try to get people to notice. And if you care about Palestine please do not support these brands that directly give money and food to the wrong people
-mc Donald's
-Burger King
-coca cola
-Disney +
Etc..- there are many other people an places I can't think the top of my head.

Thank you...

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