A Foggy Christmas Eve

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He ran away.

He heard Quirin running after him but he didn't care.

He stumbled across the pebble path, racing to get away, adrenaline pumping through his small legs.

He got farther than expected before his father's large hand grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"No! No! Let go!"

Varian fought him, but his father's grip was strong.

"Varian, please."


"Varian— calm down." Quirin held Varian to his chest, and Varian sagged pitifully.

"How could you do this to me?!" He hiccups, "You just thought you could create a whole other family without me?!"

Quirin sighed, "Varian, I'm sorry you're hurt, but you don't understand the situation right now."

Varian growled, "I understand perfectly! You left me, your own son, for–"

Varian is suddenly turned around in his father's arms to meet the man's dark eyes, "You are not my son."

The words slap against Varian's cheek harsher than any cold winds the winter air could produce.

"What... What are you talking about?!"

Quirin sighed sadly, "Varian... We talked about this."

"What? No–... No we– What are you talking about?!" Varian exclaimed breathlessly.

"You are my patient, Varian." Quirin explained slowly, softly, as if speaking to a frightened animal, "You have schizo-affective disorder... With severe psychosis. I am your nurse. I simply left the facility early to spend Christmas with my family."

My family...

Varian felt his breath quicken...

He wasn't... He was...

"You can't be a nurse– you're a farmer!" Varian accused.

"No, I used to be a farmer when I was younger..." Quirin shook his head good-naturedly, "I tell you one story about my childhood on the farm, and ever since you can't see me as anything else."

Varian was miffed, "Stop being weird, Dad. I'm not going to be tricked! You left me on Christmas and... and..!"

"You weren't alone." Quirin spoke reassuringly, "There are a lot of people at the facility you could talk to. Although, clearly, they are not paying enough attention to you if you could come all the way out here..."

"Facility? What... What facility?!" Varian grabbed at his father's sweater, "We have a home! In–"

"Old Corona, I know, buddy, I know." Quirin kept his hands steady on Varian's small shoulders, "But what you see as our home, is actually Old Corona Mental Care Center."

"What?!" Varian shook his head, "Stop lying, Dad! It's not funny!"

"I know it's not... I know, bud. I know." Quirin hugged him, but Varian resisted.

Quickly, Quirin pulled away.

"We have a house!" Varian argues, "With a small, homely kitchen and–and a nice garden! And–And–!"

"I know, and you are so good at that, aren't you? You help in the kitchen all the time, and Miss Kathy says you have a nice little garden outside your window."

His father's voice was so calm and soft...

Why?! Why does he seem to be... so honest?

It's insane– IT'S INSANE.

He just wants to get rid of me.

"STOP." Varian pushes Quirin away and stands up.

Quirin follows suit, his hands in a placating gesture.

"I know you don't want to remember... But I'm sorry... It's the truth."

Suddenly, Varian's head started ringing and he gasped, putting his hands over his ears.

"It's okay, buddy, it's alright..."

The man's words began to sound distant and muddled as images flashed before Varian's eyes.

Hospital rooms, men in uniforms, blood... Quirin... His father looking at him from behind glass.

He began to cry.

The world tilted below his unseeing eyes as he fell to the Christmas snow and shook .

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