Chapter 29 : The Wedding

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All the preparations made in the past few days just for this day shall be done. She is to be wed, this day and this day only.

Freya looked at herself in the mirror as servants busied themselves with her hair and makeup, adding layers of glamour. She couldn't hide the fact that she was nervous. Yet she tried to calm down. Thoughts started to rush through her mind.

Why am I anxious?

What if I mess up?

No. You will not mess this up.

"Princess, how would you like your hair to be styled?" the servant suddenly asked, interrupting her anxious thoughts.

She thought for a second. "I want it up but please leave some hair upfront, jewels. . . I want a decent amount of jewels in my hair," she instructed, her voice steady despite her nerves.

Even in her past life, she had planned to have jewels in her hair on her wedding day, so she would shine and glimmer.

"Yes, Princess," the servant responded, nodding obediently.

Once everything was finished, with her hair and face perfectly styled and her white, glimmering mermaid gown flowing elegantly, Freya was ready. Her veil covered her face, adding a touch of mystery to her bridal ensemble. She stepped into the carriage with Tia, who seemed more excited than she was.

"Milady—I mean, Princess. I apologize, Princess. I'm used to calling you milady, and now I sound impolite," Tia said, her excitement causing her to fumble her words.

Freya smiled. "If it's you, then I'll give you an exception," she reassured her.

"I am very excited and looking forward to this, Princess. It's a big day for the whole empire," Tia said, her smile genuine and bright.

Freya couldn't help but remember someone else who had a smile like that, but the memory eluded her.

Upon reaching the Royal Chapel of Windster, Freya felt tense. She kept breathing heavily, her feet shaking despite being hidden by her long white gown. She felt as if she might fall any second when she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder.

It was Tia. She saw that genuine smile once again as Tia stepped back to assist and fix Freya's long gown.

I'm getting married. This should be easy enough as I say I do and... a kiss.

Freya blushed at the thought of kissing the Prince. It felt awkward to be kissing him for the very first time. Unlike Vik, Zavier the Crown Prince, did not look like a player or a bad boy. He did not give off that smirk like Vik did.

As the doors opened before her, she saw thousands of people, nobles and some commoners, waiting to witness this union. She took a deep breath before walking down the aisle, meeting Zavier's gaze. It made her feel a sense of calmness and ease.

He smiled at her, and it felt magical and perfect.

"You look gorgeous, Freya," Zavier whispered to her after receiving her hand and standing right next to each other.

For a moment, Zavier sensed Freya's nervousness and held her hand for comfort. This touched Freya's heart in a way she hadn't expected.

She didn't listen to what the priest was saying. After some time, it had now come to the part where the priest said, "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce your husband and—"

The priest was cut off short when a familiar woman with red hair came forward. Scarlet.

"Stop! This cannot happen!" she screamed.

This sent Zavier into a tense state, and the guests were confused by the sudden appearance of this unfamiliar woman.

Freya was even more confused. What could Scarlet be even doing here? It sounded absurd and out of character.

"I am pregnant with the Crown Prince's child," Scarlet proclaimed. Freya's eyes grew wide in utter shock along with the ton.

Stopping herself was much of harder than she thought, she wanted to throw hands at Scarlet until she begs for forgiveness to Zavier.

I always knew she's a b*tch.

"Guards, take that woman away," Zavier ordered the knight beside him, who followed his orders without question.

The chapel was filled with chatters and murmurs as Scarlet stood there, down the aisle, with pride.

As the knights held her by the arms, Scarlet resisted and tried to run to the Crown Prince but was unsuccessful as she was held down by the knights.

"Your Highness! Remember me, the night we spent in your chamber! Please—" she pleaded.

Freya and Scarlet's gaze met. Instead of looking worried or shocked, Freya showed her a disgusted face, which Scarlet returned with a smirk.

"I never slept with any woman in my life, nor do I know you. Guards! Take that filthy woman out of here," Zavier sounded furious.

As Scarlet was dragged away, the smirk on her face remained. "I promise to show you all this child is his," she declared.

"Do you trust me Freya?" Zavier asked, whispering to Freya.

Freya nods. "There is no reason for me not to trust you."

"Silence!" the Emperor's right-hand knight yelled, which made everyone in the chapel shut their mouths.

"Please continue the ceremony," Zavier told the priest.

The priest cleared his throat and looked at the book he was holding. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Zavier gently lifted the veil covering Freya's face, and even though it felt awkward for Freya, it happened. She closed her eyes, feeling and savoring Zavier's soft pink lips pressed against hers. It gave her a different feeling, one that felt genuine and real.

As their lips parted, she heard the cheering and clapping of the thousands of nobles and commoners inside the chapel. Both of them walked down the aisle as pink rose petals were thrown in the air, blessing them on their way out to the carriage that would take them back to the palace for the grand royal celebration.

The last thing she saw before she rode the carriage was the Empress looking at her with a smile on her face. It was not a smile of happiness or anything good.

The Empress seems like a threat to me, Freya thought, her unease growing.

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