Ponyboy Curtis - Meeting the Gang

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Y/n = your name     
Y/n/n = your nickname     

Me and Pony just got back from our date to the dingo. Tomorrow I'm meeting his brothers and the gang, I'm so nervous, 'what if they don't like me?' I thought to myself as I was walking home with Pony. He already met my parents a month ago and it went great! I'm just so nervous to meet his brothers and the rest of the gang, but we'll see what happens tomorrow night. "What's wrong doll?" Pony stopped walking and asked me as he noticed me zoning out. "I'm just nervous to meet your brothers, and the rest of your friends tomorrow night, that's all". I replied in a nervous tone. " Oh y/n/n it's going to be okay, my brothers and the gang will love you! Who doesn't?!" Pony said comforting me the best that he could.

We finally got to my house and we stopped at the front porch. "Alright I'll pick you up tomorrow night at 8:00 o'clock doll."  Pony said as he gave me a hug and a peck on the lips. "Ok bye Pony". I replied as we let go of our hug. I walked inside my house, "Mom, Dad I'm homeee!" I yelled out to my parents, but no response. I guess they weren't home yet, I went upstairs to my room and hopped into the shower. After my warm shower I quickly got into my pajamas, turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Today is the day that I'll be meeting Pony's brothers and friends, now that I think about it I'm pretty excited. I got out of bed and got ready for the day, I went downstairs and my mom was cooking breakfast. "Good morning sweetie, how was your date yesterday with Ponyboy?" My mom asked with a small smile on her face, "It went great mom, tonight I'm gonna meet his brothers and his friends. I'm a little nervous but excited." I replied as I poured some orange juice in a cup. "That's great honey, I'm sure it'll go just fine".  "Thanks Mom I appreciate it."  "Your welcome hun". She replied squeezing my arm in an encouraging manner.

"Where's dad?" I asked.  "Oh he already left for work he was running late today. Here's your breakfast". She said as she put a plate of bacon and pancakes for me on the table. "Oh alright." It was 7:00 so I started getting ready, I put on some ripped jeans, a cute white crop top and a leather jacket with my boots. I put my hair up into a cute bun and put some lipgloss and mascara on. After a while  I heard the doorbell ring, that must be Pony. "Honey can you get that?!" Dad called out to me from the shower. "Yeah, it's Pony, I'm going to meet his brothers and friends!"  I replied back walking downstairs. "Alright have fun, and behave!"

Me and Pony finally got to his house. "Alright here we are, are you ready?"  Pony asked me. "Ready as I'll ever be". I replied back smiling. We walked inside and there was 6 guys in the house. One of them had a Mickey Mouse shirt on and a beer in his hand, another had black greasy hair and a jean jacket, he had a few small cuts on his face he looked shy. "Hey guys this is my girlfriend y/n"! Pony said to the group of boys. A tall muscular man came up to me, "Hey y/n it's nice to meet you, I'm Darry Pony's older brother." He said with a smile. "Hi it's nice to meet you too". I replied as I shook his hand.

"Hi I'm Sodapop, I'm also Pony's older brother. You can just call me Soda!" A guy with a flannel shirt came up to me and greeted me in a cheerful tone. "Hii" I said smiling. "This is Two-Bit". Pony said pointing to the guy with the Mickey Mouse shirt. "That's Dallas"  He pointed to to guy with a cigarette in his mouth. "Hey doll"  He said with a smirk. "That's Johnny". Pony pointed again to the boy sitting on couch with the jean jacket. "And that's Steve over there."  Pony pointed to a guy standing in the middle of the hallway who had chocolate smeared on his face. "Heyy!"  They all replied at the same time.

After I got to know them all it was time for dinner. There was roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and veggies. It all looked so good. After dinner we all sat down in the livingroom and played games, it was so fun and the best time of my life. "Thanks for having me tonight, I had a great time!" I said to the gang with a bright smile on my face. "Of course your welcome to come here anytime." Darry replied with a small smile. Pony walked me home and we parted ways, I had such a great time. Meeting them wasn't so bad after all.

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