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Ting !

*All final year students have just been sent their intern company , hope you guys got into the company you signed up for *

Sky immediately picked up Rain's phone and opened the email he received.

"That's my phone ", Rain said confused.

"I know ", Sky said as the file loaded.

"Yes !", Sky said as he saw what company Rain got in.

"Which one did I get ?", Rain asked curious.

"The one I wanted you to get ", Sky said as he showed Rain the mail.

Mr Rain ,
We are pleased to tell you that we have accepted you as an intern in our company , Life Creations. Your internship would last for 6 months, for any further questions please contact your advisor Mr. Kin on the number 8390********,
Thank you
Secretary Jack

"You got me into P'Payu's company !", Rain said as he got a hold of his phone.

"You wanted to know how his work place was , if you visit as his bf then you would never be able to tell so you go in as an intern. P'Payu is captivated by the thought that you aren't with him so I am pretty sure he didn't pay attention to the intern list and passed it on to a subordinate. Now you can go there and find out what is going on", Sky said.

Rain suddenly hugged Sky.

"Thank you so much ", Rain said as he smiled from the bottom of his heart.

"Which company did you get in ", Rain questioned as he broke from the hug.

"Let's see ", Sky said as he took out his phone and checked the email.
As the file loaded he had a smile on his face.

"You got into Infinity !", Rain said a bit aloud catching everyone's attention.

"No way , Sky got into Infinity ?"
"He is crazy "
"Well he is Sky , it's not a surprise "
"I don't think anyone else got in except for him "

The news about Sky entering the high class company Infinity spread all across the school. It was indeed true , about 90% of the students had Infinity as their top choice for internship company but only Sky got in. Other interns for the company were from high class colleges.


"You don't need to be worried , no traces of drug on him ", the man said as Sky smiled.

"Thank you P'Ore", Sky said as Gun smiled at him.

"We good now ", Gun said as he stood up next to Sky.

"Yeah ", Sky said as he chatted a bit more with Ore before leaving with Gun.
Gun as usual drove Sky back home.

"Which company was the plant from ?", Sky asked.

"I checked in the morning , no label , it was cutsom made and the label wasn't put. As if it was a special gift. My father freaked out when I touched it so he clearly knew it had drugs in it. He was talking to someone though , thanking him for the gift. What was the name he used ? Ugh , yeah , Pai ", Gun said.

"Pai ? I have never heard that name before. But if he is selling drugs to your father I expect him to be a powerful buisnessman", Sky said.

"Have you heard of Relevance ?', Gun asked with caution.

"You shouldn't talk about that so carelessly", Sky said.

"So you have heard it right , my father is a member. I believe that whoever gave him the drug must be from there. But my father never mentions anything about the place. I can't get hold of who all go there ", Gun said.

"Well since it has come to this , leave it to me. I'll find that out. Do me a favour, drop me off at another address", Sky said as he started giving directions to Gun.

Gun followed along and bid Sky goodbye after dropping him off. Sky looked at the gaurd.

"Sir , your father isn't home ", the guard said in worry.

"I am gonna leave in few minutes , I just need to get something ", Sky said as he walked to the gate but he went around the house.

No one questioned it as they all assumed that Sky was hiding from his step mother. They couldn't help him so staying quiet about it was the best.

Sky used this to his advantage. He always left his window open. He hoped in with swiftness and not making a single sound. He slowly goes out. He was on the top floor. From the staircase he can hear his step mother drinking alcohol and whining about her life while sitting in the living room.

Sky then heads to his father's office. He already knew the passcode.


The door opens. Sky enters quietly. He looks around the room. It was filled with different materials. Sky wants to fully explore the place as well but he couldn't waste too much time. After making sure there were no other security measures in the room he heads to the computer.

He starts to hack into the system , his speciality. While this he also texts Rain to come to his father's house to pick him up.

Where is it ? Sky thought as he quickly went through the different files in his father's computer.

There ! Sky said as he opened the correct file. He takes out his mobile and clicks a picture.


Yosen Group leader Mrs. Nara
Forest chairman Mr. Fot
Politician Mr.Soon
Retragard chairman Mrs. Nara [Cancelled]
Windstorm chairman Mrs. Tama
Life Creations CEO Mr.Payu
Infinity CEO Mr. Prapai
Gale CEO Mr & Mrs. Quinn (veto)
[ New member to be added ]

"Eureka ", Sky said to himself as he closes all the file and sets the system such that his actions can't be dectected. Sky then gets out quickly.

He sighs of relief seeing that he didn't get caught. Then it was back to his room and down the building. He picked up some books just incase the gaurds wonder why he went up in the first place. He got Rain's call of arrival as he headed towards the main gate. Sky got in the car with Rain as Rain drove off.

"So can I get a background on what's happening here. I feel like some mission impossible case is happening here ", Rain said.

"Well long story short I am trying to uncover the latest idol Yun hee case going on. For that I got a list of the Relevance members", Sky said.

"Relevance ? How are you so sure that they are the ones behind it ?", Rain asked.

"I am doing this with P'Gun. His father was given the drug by a so called friend. His father is also member of Relevance. He believes this was done by someone named Pai", Sky said.

"Pai ? Never heard of that name. But it does remind me of another guy. P'Payu has a major enemy in relevance he keeps mentioning him when he gets drunk. His name was , wait a minute right Prapai ", Rain said.

"Prapai ? Geez , Prapai , Pai. Of course", Sky said as he opens his phone.

Infinity CEO Mr. Prapai

"I hit the jackpot , well it's gonna be fun finding out if he really is the drug dealer here", Sky said as he closed his phone.

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