No harm done

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"Well done , I guess you won't let go of your honor badge that quickly Sky ", the professor said after reviewing Sky and Rain's work.

"Thank you sir ", Sky said as the duo picked up their project and went to the display lab to submit it.

"That was quite the project. You know at first I was upset you refused to do the project with me but I kind of get it now ", Gun said as he approached the duo.

"Hmm", Sky said as he was gonna leave but Gun blocks his path.

"Do you guys have any plans for the night , the seniors are having a club party , you guys should come. We have been wanting to invite you guys for a while now ", Gun said.

Sky was gonna reject the idea but Rain jumps in with his enthusiasm.

"We will be there , thank you P'Gun", Rain says with a bright smile.

"Great , I'll see you there then ", Gun said as he left.

"Just what are you trying to do ? Fit in with them ? That's a bad idea. It's so obvious they are just gonna be bad influences ", Sky said.

"Sky why are you so quick to judge , besides I think P'Gun likes you. I mean he is being so nice to you and I have heard rumours that he has a crush on you", Rain said.

"What does that have to do with us going to that club party? ", Sky said.

"In that way you can get closer to P'Gun and try to find out how you feel about him. If you don't like him , there is nothing that can be done about it , but if there is even a slight chance of romance then go for it. I think P'Gun is a good match for you ", Rain said.

"I don't really see things your way , but I guess no harm done ", Sky said as the duo walked to their next class.


There was a loud cheer as all the fans welcomed their idol on the stage. It was Idol , Yun - hee's fansigning and she came with full energy.

She sang few songs before the official signing began. She greeted everyone nicely and made her fans fall in love with her again. As the event was coming to an end , a fan asked her to sing a song. She chose an upbeat and fun dance song and started performing. That's when she suddenly stopped , the background music kept going but she didn't sing anything.

The fans initially thought she was trying to debunk lip syncing rumours but they got confused when she didn't sing at all and just froze in one place. Suddenly she fell to the ground and her managers came running to her.
She had foam coming out of her mouth and everyone screamed for an ambulance.

"No reports of poisoning but as the doctor mentioned she was on a high level of drugs.  Currently the police department is doing deep searches with people close to the idol for traces of drug use. Many idols have unexpectedly become a suspect of this", the news went on.

Sky shuts his phone. He was a Sherlock holmes in himself. He checks his schedule.

"I don't like home eco anyway ", he says to himself as he picks up his laptop and goes to the rooftop to get some privacy.

He opens every single article he could find under the name of Yun - Hee.

Actor / idol , Yun hee , real name Park Minsol. Recently died due to excessive drug use. Accomplices suspected by police are her peers , juniors and family. RT entertainment has given there dissaproval to the use of drugs and claimed that it must have been used by the idol due to her own will.

Throwing her under the bus how effective. Sky thought as he scrolled further.

Currently the police had entered the house of the moaning family and searched around the company thoroughly but have failed to find any source of drugs being used.

Now let's see. Sky thought as he took out details of the officers working on the case.

Only the office number of the station was listed. Now was time for Sky to bring out his hacker self. He uses the number to hack into the stations wifi. After getting into it. He starts to hear every audio that was taken in the station.

"This is a new drug , sir . Be careful , we don't know how dangerous it is ."

"Are you sure nothing was found in the house , then where the hell did the girl get the drug from."

"We have already questioned the manager , he also doesn't have any information on this. We will keep questioning ."

Nothing of much use. Sky thought as he felt a tap on his shoulder. He jolted from his position , closing his computer simontaneously and looking up.

"P'Gun", Sky said.

"Playing hooky", Gun said as he sat down.

Sky just keeps looking at him. He then taps the floor to invite Sky to sit closer to him. Sky thinks a bit before scooting closer to Gun.

"Sorry , I kind of peeked into what you were doing ", Gun said as Sky looked at him with a blank expression.

Gun reaches to his pocket to get out a pen. He then writes down numerous numbers on Sky's hand.

"What is this ?", Sky asks.

"Well , you can only hear phone calls that take place from the station. These are personal  phone numbers of the officers , you can track them outside the station as well now. I get your curiosity , we all have it",  Gun said.

"Why give it to me and how do you even have it ?", Sky said.

"Well to be fair , I used to do this as well, though right now I have some homework to take care of so I can't join you. As for how , do you know politician Soon ", Gun asked.

"Yeah , he is currently responsible for the district ", Sky said.

"I am his son , getting such information isn't much of big deal for me ", Gun said.

"You sure you should be telling me you are his son ", Sky asked.

"Yeah , I would be cautious if it was someone else , but there isn't anything to worry about with you Sky ", Gun said.

"Do I look that harmless ?", Sky said in a teasing voice.

"No , you are smart and that makes you dangerous but you are kind and that makes you trustable. I trust you , use the information well. Tell me if you find something good ", Gun said as he left the rooftop.

Sky looked at the numbers in his hand and for some reason a smile appeared on him unconciously.

"Focus Sky ", Sky said to himself as he sat back down and started to work on what he got from Gun.

The information was indeed correct, those phone numbers were of the officers. Sky was back on track , he worked on everything for hours till he finally heard something that could be of use.

"Is she a maniac, she has a collection of sand "

Sand ? Sky thought. He was pissed he couldn't see any video of the sand but that sounded suspicious to him.

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