Me and U

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"It hasn't even been that long and you guys are already going on a date ", Rain teased.

"It's not a date ", Sky said as he helped Rain get over the wall again.

"Whatever you say , just have fun ", Rain said.

"Will do , get home safely. Call me when you get there. My mother shouldn't be there but if you encounter her then just tell her you are my friend ", Sky said.

"Got it , bye ", Rain said as he got on the cycle and rode off.

Sky smiled as his friend went by.

"Shall we ?", Gun suddenly said making Sky slip.

Gun quickly caught him. They had a moment as Sky quickly got back on his feet.

"Yeah , let's go ", Sky said as both the boys head for the main gate.

They were having casual talks when Sky suddenly got pulled aside by someone.

"P'Payu ?", Sky said.

"Where is he ?", Payu asked.

"You really have to calm down , he is fine ", Sky said.

" How can I calm down ", Payu said.

"Hey bro , I don't know what's up but you have to chill. This is school grounds , you can kicked out if you act out too much", Gun said , trying to calm the situation.

"Payu , listen to me. I know you are worried , I know your worry is valid , but you have to control it this time. I am not gonna tell Rain that you came here so try to stay normal till Rain is through with getting his emotions straight, then he'll be the one coming to you", Sky said.

Payu finally tries to calm down. He takes a deep breath as he looks back at Sky.

"When will he talk to me ? I am not gonna yell at him, I just want to make sure he is okay. I want to see him, wake up with him again , have breakfast with him ", Payu said , his voice slightly breaking.

"Just be patient, he'll be back soon ", Sky said.

Payu just nodded. After Payu left , Sky and Gun made their way to a fancy resteraunt.
Sky was impressed that this was where Gun invited him too.

"You know politicians are pretty rich , especially courrpt ones ", Gun said.

"Are you calling your father corrupt ?", Sky said.

"I mean , the shoe fits. It's sad but it's true", Gun said as he handed Sky the menu.

"I'm not better though, I use the money he gives me knowing it's not all pure ", Gun remarked.

"In that case, how about I pay this meal ", Sky said.

"That wasn't my intention, I'll pay , I invited you  ", Gun said.

"Let's split ", Sky said as a conclusion.

Gun was gonna object but Sky suddenly called the waiter and started to give his order. He then hands the menu to Gun and looks at him, waiting to give the order.

"What's on the menu ?", Gun says as he opens it.

"Me and U ", Sky says with a smile as Gun freezes at the sudden pick up line. Even the waiter laughs under his breath.

"I'll just get what he got ", Gun said as he handed back the menu to the waiter. The waiter takes it and leaves.

"Wow , you really are something ", Gun said.

"Of course I am , I am Fince's honor student, I got to have some charm to me ", Sky said.

"I love this ", Gun said.

"This or me ", Sky questioned as Gun holds his heart and blushes hard.

"Ok stop , I need to live through this ", Gun said.

"Come on Phi , I haven't even started flirting yet. You already can't handle it", Sky said as Gun got his composure.

"The problem is gonna arrive when I start flirting for serious ", Gun challenged.

The duo had a good meal and as Sky decided they split the bill. Gun dropped Sky to his house and then left.

"Your boyfriend ?", a soft voice came.

Sky looked to his side totally shocked.

"Mom ?", Sky said being nervous.

"Why are you so nervous ? Get inside , you already made yourself comfortable. You know , I know everything that goes on in my house. Let's have dinner together ", His mother said.

Sky just nodded. He went inside and then to his room to see Rain sound asleep. After taking a shower, Sky wakes up Rain and both of them head for dinner.

"It's nice to see you , I didn't imagine that your father would ever let me see you again", His mother said.

"I kind of ran away here ", Sky said.

His mother laughed a bit ,

"Finally hitting puberty , you were such a quiet child. Even when we divorced you didn't say a single thing. Nice to see you revolting a bit ."

"He doesn't know I ran away ", Sky said.

"Ofc he doesn't ", his mother said.

"Well you and your friend can stay as long as you wish to ", His mother said.

"Thank you ", Rain said.


The alley was getting darker as the boy reached his house. He parked his car in place as he got inside to hear his father talking to someone on the phone.

"Of course Mr. Pai , your gift has reached safely. It's the best quality as always. I have had great success thanks to you. Let's keep working together. Ofc I know the limit. Thank you so much ", his father then keeps the phone.

Gift ? Gun thought as he looked around.

He sees this new plant kept in the living room he goes close to it and touched the leaves.

"Is this a plastic plant ?", Gun asked as his father turned to him.

When Gun touched it , it seemed as fake as it gets. His father panicked as he walked to his son.

"Did you touch it ?", his father yelled.

"Yeah ", Gun said.

This father takes a step as he yells ,

"Go wash your hands this instant , sanitize them as well. Go hurry up !!! Don't touch anything else !"

Gun runs upstairs to his room. He was confused at the sudden reaction. Gun was highly interested in biology so he always kept a microscope and slides with him. He takes an empty slide and presses it against the finger he touched the leaf with. Then he goes to wash his hands.

He returns and puts on gloves , he covers the slide with a cover and then places it in an air tight bag. After which he throws the gloves away. After sanitizing his hands more he returns downstairs to hear an earful from his father about touching things he shouldn't. The scolding only stops when his mother returns.

His father was head over heels for his mom and when she complained to him for yelling at her lovely son. Gun secretly smiles at his mother saving him and his father finally calms down and even apologized for being too harsh on Gun.

After dinner Gun goes straight to his room. He still feels off about his father's reaction so he texts Sky.

(Future ) BF ❤️

Gun 🔫
Hey you up ?

Sky 🌌
Yeah what's up ?

Gun 🔫
Do you think you can do a test on some material I bring you ? I just want to know what it is

Sky 🌌
Sure , I can do that. Just get me a sample tomorrow.

Will do , thanks a lot.
I owe you one.

Sky 🌌
Just consider us even for giving me those numbers. Well then see you tomorrow. Good night.

Good night , Sky.

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