The Answer (Keefe POV)

Start from the beginning

Fitz had sounded just like Alden.

And he'd felt Fitz's happiness, too, during the very brief physical contact when Fitz had playfully punched him.

Fitz was happy to see his friends so happy.

Keefe was actually starting to feel lucky and blessed now.

After a childhood of wondering why he, and only he (or so he'd thought at the time), had parents who didn't care.

Tonight, he felt like he loved everyone. Nothing but warm, fuzzy feelings for all of their friends.

Well...except Tammy Boy. While everyone else congratulated them, Tam just looked at Sophie like she was nuts and said uncertainly, "well, if you're sure..."

"Listen here, Bangs Boy," Keefe started, but Sophie pulled him away before he could say anything else. But he saw the amused grin on Tam's face and couldn't help but laugh. He and Tam were cool, but neither could resist goading the other.

They both seemed to find the other to be an easy target.

As the evening wore on, conversations circled back to Foxfire and the end of another school year.

Keefe found he couldn't keep his eyes off of Foster for long.

And almost every time he looked, she was either looking at him, or at her ring.

And every time she did that, it sent little jolts of excitement through Keefe.

He and Sophie were getting married.

"If you don't stop looking at me like that," Sophie whispered to him at one point, "the heat from your eyes is going to set the yard on fire."

"Little bit worth it," Keefe whispered back with a smirk, leaning in to kiss her.

And was rudely interrupted by Tam's not-so-quiet "gross, dude, no one wants to see you two kiss." Keefe only barely registered Rayni's sigh and eye roll. He merely locked eyes with Tam, raised his eyebrows in a silent taunt--daring Tam to object--and grabbed Foster's face in his hands, kissing her as deeply as he felt would be safe with her parents around.

Foster broke the kiss after a moment, grinning at Keefe with a slightly glazed look in her eye, before turning to Tam. "Sorry about that," she told him. " know Keefe."

Tam, who was really just amused, shrugged. "Yes. Yes, I do."

Eventually, the party came to an end. Keefe stayed behind to help clean up--which didn't take much, between the gnomes' willingness to help and Edaline's ability to snap her fingers and send things wherever she wanted them to go. He was contemplating taking Sophie over to visit Glitter Butt so they could share the good news of their engagement. But then, Edaline asked if they knew when they'd like to get married.

As soon as possible. The minute Foster's ready.

But out loud, he suggested what he figured was the most prudent option--this time next year. He'd have just graduated, and Foster would only have one year left. It would give them a year to plan the wedding and figure out where they wanted to live.

But a year also felt like a long time.

And to Keefe's immense joy, Sophie expressed the same thought.

Then to Keefe's immense surprise, Grady was quick to back up Edaline's suggestion that they take just a couple of months to plan a wedding and get married during the school break.

And still have a few weeks for a honeymoon.

That much alone time with Sophie sounded like heaven.

So when she grinned up at him and asked, "want to get married in two months?", Keefe could have danced with joy.

"Are you kidding? I'd marry you yesterday. Pretty sure I've been hoping and waiting for this for years."

Despite her earlier warning about the heat in Keefe's eyes setting the lawn on fire, the look in Sophie's eyes was smoldering as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him--right there in front of her parents.

But then, they were engaged now. Engaged and about to get married. Surely they could kiss a little without getting into trouble.

Sure enough, Edaline laughed after a few seconds and didn't sound at all irritated when she said, "alright, alright, that's enough. Time to call it a night. Starting tomorrow morning, we have a wedding to plan!"

The talk of planning his union with Sophie Foster...that was music to Keefe's ears.

He couldn't wait.

KOTLC Sokeefe One-Shots, Alternate Endings, etcOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara