But apart from that nothing else of the ancient Sith seemed to be a part of me I looked more human which had its advantages. Darth Plagueis had once commented that the Sith emperor had even discovered immortality. But much like other techniques it had been lost to time or the previous Masters had squandered their knowledge. There might have been more knowledge about these techniques however 500 years ago a Sith Lord named Darth Gravid had strayed into the light side of the force driven mad by his desire to balance the light side with the dark side gravid had gone completely insane and in his mad attempt to try to save the Sith he had destroyed half the repository of Sith knowledge until his Apprentice killed him. For a Sith Lord, there was no going back to the light once the dark side made its claim upon you that was it. Very few people throughout the history of the Galaxy wherever able to balance both the light side and the dark side of the force most beings that tried always went insane or they either fell to the light side or to the dark side. As I finished working on my lightsaber I'm marveled at a few things it had been Darth Bane's plan that the Republic and the Jedi Order should fall and even though the tasks seemed daunting I could see the future the Sith despite all of our obstacles we were finally going to succeed were so many had failed. As I placed in the Crystal and closed up my Hilt of My lightsaber I noticed my Communications device beeping. I quickly activated the device to see my Foster mother standing before me she was still wearing her normal clothes. She was a proper woman sporting pure red hair with emerald green eyes she had political opinions of her own and she was just as brilliant as her husband if not a little bit naive.

Ryoo- are you coming home tonight?

Vectivus could almost sense the contempt in her voice. He had known for a long time that she did not like him nor did she like to tolerate his presence.

Dorian- yes I'll be home soon I'm just finishing up things at the Senate building.

Ryoo hit her contempt behind a polite smile before ending the communication.

Darth Vectivus- I think I'm going to kill her one of these days.

Vectivus said this out loud more to himself than anybody else back in the Janarus family Apartments Ryoo continued to stare at the spot she had just seen her foster son only moments earlier. She couldn't lie to herself she had never liked the idea of taking in that boy there was something very wrong with him. Hego Damask had asked her husband to take him in as a political favor there was no arguing that the boy was smart he excelled in a lot of what he did but still the way he looked at people made him quite unsettling to be around. Ryoo put her hand on her abdomen. Just then her oldest daughter Kallen walked into the room.

Kallen- were you able to get a hold of him?

Ryoo- yes he said he'll be returning soon.

Kallen- something's bothering you Mom what is it?

Ryoo looked at her daughter they had had this discussion about Dorian many times before but it still didn't make it any much easier. However Kallen unlike everybody else didn't seem to be fooled by his outward appearance she also felt that something was wrong.

Kallen- if it's so bad why don't you tell Dad?

Ryoo- it's not that simple it was a political favor he's not doing anything to our family I don't know there's just something that feels off.

Kallen smiled

Kallen- are you sure you're not a Jedi mom?

Even though it was a joke Ryoo turned her head to her oldest daughter with a very questioning look that also spoke of don't say that out loud in front of the wrong people.

Kallen- I'm just joking Mom but you know you should lighten up. If you stress out too much you'll get wrinkles.

Kallen walks towards the door of the room before her mother stops her.

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