Hopefully (Dex POV)

Start from the beginning

"Is this about Keefe? Are you worried about him?" Kesler prompted.

"Well...yes. That's part of it. I miss him. We all do. And we're worried about what he's going through. But...I don't know, I have a lot on my mind even beside that."

As his thoughts drifted back to Biana and he considered discussing it with his dad, he felt heat creeping up his neck and into his cheeks.

His dad just laughed softly. "Well, I'm guessing it's about a girl, then," he said, gesturing to the blush on his son's cheeks. "And I think I can probably even guess who."

"You can?" Dex hated that his voice suddenly sounded higher.

His dad laughed. "Well, you have been spending a decent amount of time at Everglen. Your mom and I have been wondering about you and Biana."

Dex sighed and braced himself. "So it's that obvious?"

"Only because we know you really well. But why do you look like you're afraid?"

"Because I don't know how she feels about me. And...she's a Vacker."

Dex thought he saw something like anger flash in his dad's eyes. "So what if she's a Vacker?"

Dex was surprised to hear this. "You...don't mind?"

Kesler sighed. "Of course I don't mind. I might have, a few years ago, but Biana is a sweet kid. She's proved herself again and again. Not to mention the kindness her parents have shown us...honestly more than we deserve after the way I've always judged them just because of their name and their status."

Dex breathed a sigh of relief. "Then why did you look mad?"

"I thought you were worried about being judged by society for pursuing her because you're a Dizznee and she's a Vacker. I was worried maybe someone was trying to make you feel like you weren't good enough for her."

"No, but I haven't told anyone how I feel about her, either. I thought...you might not approve of me even considering having feelings for a Vacker."

Kesler placed a hand on Dex's shoulder. "I'm sorry about that. You get your prejudices from me. And while I think they're largely justified, because our world is messed up in a lot of ways, especially for the Talentless like me and..." he swallowed and said the next part in a whisper, even though they were alone, "probably Rex, too..." he paused before continuing. "But that doesn't mean that my prejudice against the Vackers themselves was justified. At least, not when it comes to Alden, Della and their children."

"I've been thinking the same thing. I hated them because of their name, and perceived a snobbery that I don't think was really there. At least not intentionally. But...I don't know. It's hard to let go of, all the same. They've been nothing but nice to me any time I've been at Everglen. Of course, that may change, if..." his voice trailed off. He had no way of knowing if his feelings were reciprocated. He was probably reading too much into it.

But when he thought about some of their moments...like when she'd sworn she'd never take off her panic switch ring. He hadn't liked her yet, then--or at least, he didn't think so--but for some reason, he had really wanted her to like the ring and had made it pink for her.

When she'd reached for his hand as they were going down to the caves at Havenfield.

And then hadn't let go as early as she could have. Neither one of them had. And by that point, he'd known that he liked it. That her hand was the one he wanted to hold.

What about when she seemed jealous when he was lingering with Sophie at Havenfield?

And how many times the last few years had she chosen his company? Chosen to work with him when they split up into groups? How many times had they relied on each other?

So many little moments played through his head. Were they really moments?

How did he find out without risking another really embarrassing situation like he'd had with Sophie? Although, he thought he'd changed since then, even if it hadn't really been that long ago.

Even back then, the feelings for Biana had been there. He had just fought them for so long because he still struggled with the idea of liking a Vacker.

Now he was starting to think he didn't care what family she belonged to. Especially if his dad wasn't even going to be upset about it.

"That may change if you start dating their daughter?" his dad asked, pulling him out of his reverie.

Dex shrugged helplessly. "Being nice to their kids' friends is different than being happy with their daughter being involved with the son of a bad match."

"I can't believe I'm saying this," his dad told him. "But I really don't think they'll mind."

"Really?" Dex thought Fitz probably wouldn't--at least not on his good days--but wasn't as certain of Della or Alden. Though, Della had taken it upon herself to be a sort of mother figure to all of them when living at Alluveterre, and it was hard not to see her as such.

"Really," his dad said. "I've never been fair about the Vackers. It's something your mom has chastised me about time and time again. You know that Alden and Della are good friends with Edaline and Grady. They never gave up on them, never stopped visiting, never stopped trying to help them in their grief. I know you didn't see as much of them as we'd have liked, when you were younger. It was just so painful for them. It was actually Alden and Della that encouraged them to try to be involved, to be happy for us even in the wake of their loss. Jolie had only been gone a few years when you came along. It was very hard for them, but they love us and love you, and they did the best they could. And I'm not sure they'd have had the strength for that if it hadn't been for the help from Alden and Della. Not to mention the fact that Alden was the one who brought Sophie to them." Kesler smiled. "They're good people, really."

Dex smiled back. "They are. But...it still probably won't amount to anything. I'm apparently not very good at grasping emotions and understanding how my friends feel about me."

His dad actually laughed out loud at that. "Yeah...you got the wrong end of the stick with Sophie." He chortled.

Dex rolled his eyes. Thanks a lot, Dad. How nice of you to point that out.

But he couldn't help but laugh a little bit too.

"But seriously...that doesn't mean you're wrong about Biana. Only time will tell, but your mom and I have been wondering about the two of you for a while. We've seen the way she acts around you when she comes over." He grinned. "The very fact that she's even willing to come over to Rimeshire at all instead of demanding that you always hang out somewhere else--that she's willingly putting up with being around your siblings--that says a lot."

"I guess," Dex mumbled.

He hardly knew what to say.

And things were getting crazy, and they were hopefully going to be setting up a meeting with Trix soon. Dex needed to be focusing on that, on seeing how he could help his friends through that next step.

And hopefully get Keefe home.

And hopefully...

Hopefully he would get more time with Biana soon.

It was time to figure this out.

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