⋆⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆Chapter Eight: Treat Yourself⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⋆

Start from the beginning

Clay broke the silence. "So, how long we got to be here, again?"

Spruce opened his eyes. "Thirty minutes."

John Dory let out a thumbs up while still wearing his skiing goggles, smiling.

Clay groaned. "Ugh. Really?"

Branch opened his eyes. "We only been here for five minutes."

"But it feels like we have been here for hours," Clay said.

"Here we go again," Floyd sighed.

"Aw, stop acting like a baby and relax." Spruce closed his eyes again. "This is a moment for you to spend time with us in complete......"

"Silence." Spruce and Branch said in unison.

They faced each other and laughed. To Spruce, it was nice to know that one of his brothers understood what he meant, especially Branch who told him that being in complete silence was up his alley. So, Spruce hoped that for the next five more minutes, they could just relax and enjoy themselves in complete silence....


~10 minutes later~

Spruce faced his brothers. "Hey, since we're already fifteen minutes in with the mud spa, how about we play the "Would You Rather" game?"

"Ooh, fun," John Dory said.

"Okay," Branch said.

Clay threw his hands in the air as mud flew in the air. "I love that game. We used to play that game years ago."

"Yeah, and that's why I brought it up," Spruce said.

"Oh cool," Floyd said.

Spruce smiled. "Okay, round 1.....would you rather: Be forced to sing along or dance to every single song you hear?"

"Be forced to sing," John Dory said. "Because I will more tired of dancing than singing to be honest. Don't want to pull a muscle, which includes my back. Heh heh."

"I can't decide because I love doing both," Floyd said.

"I already made up my mind....dancing. I can any dance to every song," Clay said.

"Hmmm........I can't choose either," Branch said. "But if I have to pick one, it would be...................singing."

"Me too," Floyd said, "because singing brings us together. It's a connection."

"Awwwww," Spruce said.

"Ooh, ooh, my turn," John Dory said. "Would you rather....spend a week in the forest or a night in a real haunted house?"

"Forest," Branch said.

"Haunted house. They are pretty amazing," Clay said.

"I would want to spend a week in a forest. I mean....haunted houses are scary, so I'm not going to risk it," Floyd said.

Spruce rubbed some mud on his left arm. "I don't want to be stuck in nature, but the haunted house might be too much, but.....I think I would want to be in a haunted house for a week.....I think........yup."

John Dory's mouth dropped. "What? I thought you'll pick the forest?"

"Nah....actually......yeah, the haunted house," Spruce said.

"Well, then, I want to spend time in the forest. I love hiking," John Dory said.

"Oh cool. Seluna likes hiking too," Spruce said.

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