Lawlu vampire AU

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"so, let's go"Law said as he waited for luffy's command to move forward, so that he could follow his lead and walk alongside her to the direction of your room.

I walk to the house on the far corner. I look for my keys which are my keys to the graph. I open the door and let Law inside my room I grabbed the graph. The room full of pictures of Law.

"oh wow..."Law mumbled, his jaw slightly dropping upon the sight of her room with pictures of himself hanging around everywhere. he never expected her obsession with him to be this excessive.

"i'm amazed... truly"he said with a slight blush forming on his cheeks.

"thank you for this"he said, before smiling warmly at you. as he extended his hand out to grab the remaining road poneglyph... but wait... is this the last one? did she only have one in her possession?
" the others are this way." Luffy called from the other room

"ah... so there's more. you are quite a busy woman"Law muttered in response, as he quickly walked alongside you towards the place where she had hidden the remaining road poneglyphs.

"why did you hide them all over the place?"he asked, an amused and curious smirk forming on his face.
"To hide them from other people." She said simply

"well, that makes sense"Law replied, as he looked around for any other unusual places where Luffy may have hidden the road poneglyphs.

"but, i didn't expect you to be such an expert at hiding things. you're quite clever..."he added with a smirk, his pale eyes examining the surroundings and the things inside her room. his gaze immediately stopping when it reached the many pictures of himself that hung on the wall.
" Oh look there's one!" Luffy calls
"oh, there it is..."Law replied with a slight grin, as his pale eyes locked onto the hidden road poneglyph.

"you're quite good at this, huh?"he asked with a smirk, his voice sounding impressed

"alright, that should be the last one..."he said, looking at the road poneglyph to confirm if it was indeed the final one that they needed.

"Nope one more."Luffy said as she moved

" really?..."Law asked with a subtle raised eyebrow. it was quite impressive that she had hidden so many in her room.
" alright then, show me where this last one is hidden..."he said with a smug smile, as he was now interested in finding out where Luffy had hidden this final road poneglyph.
"It's in my back pocket hold on" Luffy said as he reached into her pocket
"your back pocket?..."Law asked with a hint of surprise in his voice

"you hid a road poneglyph... in your back pocket?"he repeated, almost finding the thought impossible
"ah... you're really funny"he said, now with his pale eyes looking at you in a teasing manner.

"No it's in there."I reached inside my pocket and pulled out the glyph
"well, i wouldn't have thought that you would hide the final road poneglyph in your pocket" Law stated, with a raised eyebrow this time

"i'm really impressed if i'm being honest with you" he added with a smug smile, as he tried holding back his laughter.

"now, that's the final road poneglyph then?"he asked you, as he waited for it to be handed to him.

"Yes it is." Luffy said to him nicely

"alright"Law replied, as he took the final road poneglyph from Luffy's hand

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