"Yes, sweet pea?" I reluctantly force my eyes off of Juliette and to hers, wondering why it was so damn hard to do so.

"Is that Juliette? Is that the girl you were talking about on the way here, Dean? Is it, is it, is it?" Daphne practically screams at me, while simultaneously pointing at Juliette. Any hope that I would've wished for her not seeing us, was completely demolished by now.

Juliette looks our way, and I feel myself wanting to sink into the ground, she just had to embarrass me like that, didn't she? She waves at us, signaling us to come over as she rearranges the table.

Daphne, seeing this as her golden ticket to finally break free from my grasps, runs towards her, her hands opened wide in a motion that looked to be her asking for a hug.

"Hi," Juliette stumbles back a bit, because of the small yet mighty force that hit her in the legs, "and what's your name?" Juliette askes her, her lips in a continuous smile.

"Daphne!" Daphne yells out in a happy tone, a little bit too eager to find out more about the blonde girl that's currently beaming down at her.

"Well, hello Daphne, my name is Juliett-"

"I know, I know, I know, Dean told me! He has told me a lot of things about you when we were coming over here-isn't that right Dean?" Daphne looks at me, a flurry in her eyes, she's way too excited for this, I knew I should have never had brought her here.

"Uh . . . yeah, that's true-but only the things I knew," I pull my sister away from her legs before saying, "I'm sorry for her outbursts," I cradle Daphne in my arms while she smiles from ear to ear like a cheshire cat.

"No worries, after all, kids will be kids, there's no way to change that fact."

"I guess so," I smile at her as she does it back.

Sitting down, I beckon over a passing waiter and place I and Daphne's orders, making sure to order her chocolate and strawberry ice cream before anything else.

"Don't you feel weird?" Julie said after the waiter had left.

"Weird about what?" I questioned, while adjusting Daphne in her seat so that she could sit properly and comfortably.

"All the stares and looks from people, the silent whispers, the constant attention, almost stalker like?"

"Don't be worried, Julie. No one gives two fucks-"

"Language," Daphne interrupts.

"Sorry," I looked at her. "No one gives two flying flamingos about who you are and what you're doing in New York. The only people that might care are the press, and even at that, they are only there when there's a scandal or something like that."

"Besides," I smile at her, bringing my body closer to hers by leaning on the table, "I'm used to it."

"Well if you're okay with it," she brushes away the hair follicles that latch unto her skin with assistance from the sweat that trickles down her face, not even a cold room could battle off the New York heat, "then I am too."

"So, what are we doing first?" I rested my back, back on the chair before crossing my arms around my chest.

"Your test of course, it's on Wednesday, that's three days away."

"What test?" Daphne looks at us, her head tilted to the right side of her face, curiosity written all over it.

"Midterms sweet pea," I pinch her left cheek.

"But aren't midterms for everyone?" she questions.

"Yes, it is Daphne," Juliette responds before I could.

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