Chapter 2: Explored

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It had been a couple of hours now since the ship I was on had departed from Liyue Harbour and I had waved goodbye to the friends I had made here who had come to see me off. Arlecchino had quite quickly excused herself so as to head elsewhere on the ship once we had boarded, this leaving me alone at our seats to ponder for these hours she was gone for.

Arlecchino: "How are you faring so far, Y/N, I would hope that you are not suffering from sea sickness?"

Y/N: "Hmm? Oh, you're back. No, I uh, I'm fine. I just... I'm just a little lost in thought at the moment I guess?"

Arlecchino: "Is that so? And what might you be thinking about exactly, if I might enquire?"

Y/N: "I... Well, it's just... I'm still not sure on my role here. You came to Liyue personally so as to retrieve me, and it sounds like you are part of some altruistic organisation so... it makes me feel like I'm important in some way, but other than the potential use against this prophecy you mentioned... what exactly is my purpose? Who even am I?"

Arlecchino: "Mhm... How about this then? I'll answer your two questions now, with two simple statements; and then from there you can ask me to expand on whatever else you need further explanation on. Ah, and I must apologise for my absence for the beginning of this trip, but I've finished with what I had to deal with and now you shall have my undivided attention for the remainder of this ship's journey."

Y/N: "You wouldn't mind?"

Arlecchino: "Of course not, my child. Now then, that first question: your purpose... Initially, we will be wanting your assistance in fighting this prophecy that threatens all of Fontaine of course. Someone of your calibre will certainly be of use to this whether you can directly affect the threat or not— even just as being able to rescue people from disaster. But of course that is not the only reason that I came to Liyue to collect you... Another reason why is also related to that second question of yours: who are you. Well, you are family, you are one of my children. You belong at the House of the Hearth with myself and beside your fellow siblings."

Y/N: "Fellow siblings...? I have family there– other than you I mean?"

Arlecchino: "Indeed. Although you have not yet met, so this is to be first introductions for all four of you. You should be rather quickly acquainted with them, though, as I had asked for them to await my return at the docks."

Y/N: "I've never met any of them before...? I don't understand... how can I not have ever met them before? Or do you just mean with my memory loss I won't remember them? Wait, but you said they'd not met me yet either? I'm sorry, I'm lost..."

Arlecchino: "That is quite alright. This has certainly been quite the drastic change for you in but a single day. Although I expect you to quickly get up to speed so that we can work against this deadly prophecy post-haste. As for the trio you are to meet, they belong to an entirely different branch of my House of the Hearth than you have ever visited. Only two of them are truly siblings by blood, the other is but an orphan too."

Y/N: "Orphan...? So is this like some form of orphanage then?"

Arlecchino: "My, you are a quick one. Indeed, the House of the Hearth is an orphanage for all those across Teyvat who seek a safe place that they may call home."

Y/N: "I see... w–wait, but wouldn't that mean...? Am I an orphan as well then?"

Arlecchino: "Hmm... I feel like that might be too large a topic for us to discuss in what time still remains of this journey. At least in a way that does the topic justice. For now, just know that I am here for your needs should you need me."

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