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The cold wind blew across the port of China as Lee Kang In and members of the criminal gang gathered for a mysterious meeting. The atmosphere was tense, and the cargo ship loomed in the background, its massive containers awaiting their clandestine contents.

Chinese and Uzbek gang members engaged in conversation, speaking Russian, a language that echoed through the quiet port.

Lee Kang In: (in Russian) "Has the queen agreed to the terms we have stated?"

Uzbek Gangster: (in Russian) "The Queen must inspect the goods. You can only get 10,000."

Lee Kang In: "This is wrong. We disagree with you..."

Tension escalated in the cold air, and suddenly, the Uzbek gangster's face hardened. Without warning, he swiftly drew his pistol, the metallic glint catching the dim light of the port.

The air hung heavy with anticipation as the criminal gang members, both Chinese and Uzbek, exchanged wary glances.

Uzbek Gangster: (in Russian, with a cold demeanor) "This is not an agreement. This is the Queen's order."

The atmosphere grew more charged, the silence broken only by the distant sounds of the ship being loaded with cargo. The Uzbek gangster's finger tightened on the trigger, and the sudden crack of gunfire echoed through the port.

Lee Kang In staggered backward, a look of shock and pain on his face as the gunshot reverberated in the air. The other gang members looked on, a mix of fear and determination in their eyes.

Uzbek Gangster: (in Russian, unwavering) "That's what you want, otherwise you won't get a penny."

The port, once shrouded in secrecy, now held the weight of a clandestine deal gone awry. The cargo ship loomed in the background, a silent witness to the unfolding drama on the cold, desolate port of China. The Queen's orders had been enforced with a single, resounding shot, setting the stage for a story filled with intrigue, betrayal, and the pursuit of power.


The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on the orphanage, a place Ali had called home for as long as he could remember. Today marked a bittersweet turning point in his life. He had reached adulthood, and as the system dictated, it was time to leave the familiar confines of Orphanage 3. As he packed his few belongings, he felt a pang of sadness, realizing that the comforting routines and shared moments with fellow orphans were coming to an end.

Amidst the somber atmosphere, a little girl named Shirina approached Ali, her eyes wide with innocence and curiosity.

Shirina: "Brother, according to the children, you are leaving now... Why won't I see you anymore?"

Ali, typically reserved and silent, softened at the sight of his little sister in the orphanage.

Ali: "Yes, honey. I don't live here anymore."

Shirina: "Why?"

Ali: "They gave me a new house."

Shirina: "Take me to that house too..."

Ali knelt down to her level, his heart heavy with the weight of responsibility.

Ali: "You know, you are a smart girl. They'll put you in the best houses, and your father will come for you. And I will come to see you every day."

Shirina: "Can I live with you until mom and dad come?"

In that tender moment, Ali couldn't resist the pull of his sister's innocent plea. He enveloped her in a warm hug.

Ali: "I will come to you every day!"

Shirina: "Do you promise?"

Ali: "Of course..."

Despite the heartfelt promises made between Ali and Shirina, the reality awaiting him outside the orphanage was far from the idyllic future he had envisioned. The state, in theory, should have provided him with a stable job and a place to call home. However, the system meant to support independent orphans was marred by corruption and negligence.

As Ali stepped into the outside world, he found himself caught in the web of irresponsible bureaucrats who, driven by greed, siphoned off the funds meant for orphans like him. The money allocated by the state for independent living was absorbed by unscrupulous employees, leaving Ali with a meager, low-paid job and a rented house that barely met his basic needs.

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