Why justify?

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When I see more people justify incest, as a "Well, if they both consent-"

There are some things that should still be banned, consent or not. Hel, most of the time, a lot of that stuff comes from either people who went through neglect and/or isolation (Like in The Coffin Of Andrew and Ashley, which does sadly happen), or from being gr00med.

No one ever brings that up when arguing against it, just the "Well, as long as they're not having kids together-"
1. Accidental pregnancies!
2. That's not the only reason it's wrong!

What if someone, who's an adult, wants to take their life, and truly has no one who gives a flying fuk? Or the people they know are okay with it because "it's their choice"?
Should they do it? They consent to it, they're not harming anyone else, it's something they want, they're an adult making their own choice.
Why would someone leaving on their own terms be wrong, but hooking up with you sibling and letting be-damned the consequences be okay?

Just because it's a natural human desire to have romance and pleasure does NOT mean it's okay to get with family members!

If you justify incest of any kind, other than the ones who didn't know they were closely related before they started a family together or it's a "we're the very last humans" situation, please, gtfo. Unfollow me.

I may have nightmares about getting with my mom, but at least I feel fuked up by that. Hel, my schist may be due to possible emotional incest she projects (a mother should not be telling her child that the child's dad is upset and drinking because the child's mom wouldn't send nudes or give him a "massage with a happy ending", whether or not the child's an adult) as well as the fact I know no one else and have never dated (other than here on WP years ago) and humans have the natural desire for romantic love (not all, but a lot.)
But I KNOW it's not okay. I KNOW it's wrong. It's just my human brain trying to process crap in a way it humanly can and regarding the situation around me.

Incest. Is. Not. Okay.

First time I started noticing this was when I was watching a trans woman talk about this psychological thriller game with William Dafoe in it. In the game you play as a guy in a time loop, and he goes through these different things and finds out his pregnant wife is his half-sister. (Which finding out you're related to your lover may be rare but it does happen.)
And I had to stop watching because the person said that incest is okay as long as it's consensual.

Which is another issue because I've seen crap with LGBTQ+ justifying it. The trans woman, there's sister-duos or even mother-daughter duos who make OnlyFans content together, a lot of Yaoi and Yuri stuff poison peoples heads with it, especially since a lot of hormonal teens go to the anime stuff whether it's h3ntai or not. And then you get pro-shippers...

This isn't Ye Old Days where that schist was normal and even encouraged.
This is the 21st century where we're more technologically and medically advanced, we can explore space, we from upon religious figures abusing their power, people are a little more free to love their non-related same-sex lover without fear of being burned or stoned to death, animal abuse is more frowned upon, more people can actually get an education and can read.

So again.
If you justify incest outside of them not knowing until after they already started a family together (Because what are they gonna do then while they have a kid?), or it's a "They scoured the world and couldn't find anyone else so, as the last humans, they tried procreating together" thing (Even then because the offspring will end up SOOOO deformed), please unfollow me now.

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