Overweight Cart Thief's

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So plenty of stores have motorized carts for disabled people to ride in.

Maybe they lost their leg in an accident, have a hard time walking normally without crutches and need a cart to carry with, have a brain issues that made them unable to walk much whatever reason.

But I can not tell you how many times I've seen fat people with like 4 large fat folds hogging these carts.

Sure, some of them may be disabled. Some of them may have a disability that does make them look like that.

But some of them hog the carts because they've made themselves so unhealthy from sitting around all day, that walking too long causes heart issues now.
We saw one woman before who was just so fat, she needed her husband to lift her and her fat folds into the car while she was giving him an attitude, and he looked so broken.

Honestly, unless it is a medical condition or genetical issue or something, overweight people should not be allowed to use these carts. They make others do things for them because they've made it harder to get things themselves, they are rude most of the time, and they're hogging things actual disabled people need. They're literally just blobs of meat that just make everyone's lives miserable.

Again, I understand some actually are disabled and need the carts. They're fine. They can't help it.

But those who have purposefully done it to themselves and expect the world to help them without wanting to change shouldn't be allowed to use them.
I don't care what you've gone through to lead you to this moment. When you start making issues for everyone else, that's when you're the problem.

This was mostly an issue in both my current and my old state.
Out there, it was usually the Aunt Methany. Out here, it's people who've gotten/inherited/married someone with so much money from farm work that they now bum off that.

People who made themselves this way should honestly be banned from using these carts.

My RantsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ