"Hogwarts, dearies?" Madam Malkin asked, her gaze flitting back and forth from (Y/n) to the boy. "Got the lot here, another young man being fitted up just now, in fact."

She led them to stools on either side of Draco, he glanced at her and turned his attention to the boy whom had entered right behind him. "Hello," he said politely - or at least it sounded polite to her, despite his drawling voice, "Hogwarts, too?"

"Yes." Answered the boy. It seemed a bit obvious but one could never be too sure.

Draco explained what was happening with him and his parents, how they were getting his stuff right now and stuff about him going to smuggle a broom into the castle despite being a first-year. (Y/n) caught the look on the unknown boy's face as a witch started fitting her up.

"Have you got your own broom?" He went on, (Y/n) kind of just standing there as the witch did her work and listening to their conversation.

"No." The boy replied.

"Do you play Quidditch at all?" Draco continued. (Bro I spelt Dracon.)

The boy once again replied with a no. He sure seemed like the talkative type, didn't he?

"Me neither." (Y/n) said and Draco, not seeming to care about either of their responses too much, continued to talk on a bit about his father saying something of it being a crime not to play for his House.

"Know what House you'll be in yet?" He asked.

"No." Replied the boy once again. It reminded (Y/n) oddly of herself. She was often like this whenever they visited other people, usually pure-blood families.

"Well, no one really knows until they get there. But I know I'll be in Slytherin, all of my family has been. Imagine being in Hufflepuff... I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?"

"What if I was placed into Hufflepuff? Wouldn't be too keen on going along with our parents wishes, hm?" (Y/n) inquired, and Draco turned his head to look at the bored expression on her face.

"Not very likely." He said with a sniff, as the other boy responded with a low 'mmm.' She couldn't tell what wasn't very likely; her placement in Hufflepuff, or his willingness to go along with what their parents had in mind for them. Then Draco looked out of the window and pointed out a rather large man with a somewhat intimidating look, (Y/n) thought. He was at LEAST twice the size of a regular man and definitely wider than one, with a bunch of wild hair.

She hoped he was the friendly type... And so spoke Mr. Talkative, looking strangely pleased. "That's Hagrid."

"He seems... Nice." (Y/n) murmured, and Draco glanced at her. His conversation with the boy went on for a while longer, (Y/n), being a bit more of the listening type yet also usually zoning out type, was able to gather that his parents were dead and that he liked the Hagrid guy.

Draco being prejudiced was nothing new.

(Y/n) sighed, getting fed up with Draco at the moment. "Draco, will you shut your yap? He's clearly uninterested and uncomfortable with your comments."

"Oh shut up." He scoffed, but the other boy looked very thankful. (Y/n) swore she saw a scar... no, probably not. The odds of her ever meeting Harry Potter seemed rather low. A nobody like her, interacting with one of the most famous people in the wizarding world?

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