Chapter 8 - Work Meeting

Start from the beginning

There she saw Oliver, hair freshly tussled, ruffled up dress top and papers perfectly straight and lined up on his desk. She took a deep inhale as she shifted the seat to sit down and stared at this man's sharp hazel eyes.

The look he had was something Aurora didn't quite know what to make of and noticed his pupils start to dilate. She looked down at her lap and cleared her throat wondering if she should be the one to initiate this and also to gain some form of composure.

Oliver was also slightly distracted from the deafening sounds of his increasing heartbeat being around this woman. Her braids framing around her beautiful face as she looked down at her lap as her hands gently rubbed into her thick thighs before she tried to peer back at him got him thinking that he should really fucking say something.

"Well thank you so much for making the time to see me at the end of your shift, I know it's been a long one," Oliver nervously chuckled as he folded his arms and rested them on his desk.

Aurora was starting to lighten up and met his eyes smiling and nodding before explaining how her shift went; obviously nothing weird but her mind did go to her interaction with Samantha before coming here and whether Oliver knew of her cousin sleeping with her.

"Well it's good to hear you didn't come across anything odd yet. I'm still quite new so maybe you probably will start to see some slip-ups further down the line, so ...."Oliver drew out as he looked around the room before meeting her chocolate doe eyes again.

Oliver wanted to say more, wanted to know more because at the rate this was going this was going to be over in five minutes.

"So did you have a good lunch?" Charlie beamed, remembering they both went to the same restaurant for lunch today. Clasping his large hands together to conceal how nervous he was.

He could sense his cheeks getting hot and wondered if he was blushing, thanking the heavens his mother didn't see him like this.

"Oh yes! We both went to the place across from us right? I got the calzone, how about you sir?" Aurora enthusiastically responded, she also didn't want to leave yet.

"Funnily enough I also got the calzone, it was a great lunch spot I hope to go with you some time, wait I-" Oliver mistakenly said the last bit and his mouth went dry from what he just caught himself say. There was a thin line between what his mind wanted and what he actually did and today that line was crossed in the worst possible way.

He tried to avoid eye contact and quickly think of a way to backtrack; while Aurora was shocked in a happy way. It was cute watching him fumble over his words trying to figure out what he really wanted to say or even further explain what he just said.

"It's okay sir, I fumble and say stuff accidentally too.."Aurora stated to ease the awkwardness in this office.

Oliver chuckled in shame avoiding eye contact with her because even though he did say it; he really did want to take her out. But would now be a good time? It's not even appropriate for work and Olivier really isn't someone known for breaking protocol for anything.
Aurora could see the conflict in his eyes and he was trying to figure out the right response to what he just said. While figuring it out she saw Oliver take a deep breathe then meet her eyes with a straight face.

"Actually I meant what I said, I would like to have lunch with you," Oliver said, determination behind his eyes but absolutely shitting it mentally.

Aurora was conflicted.

One the one hand, she'd had a crush on her boss for a while now and had really enjoyed just having a crush without thinking about what he thought of her; but now he's asking her out for lunch and she doesn't know what to make of it.

Maybe he's just friendly? Maybe it's for work?

Oliver could see that Aurora was conflicted and to be honest he couldn't believe he had the balls to ask one of his employees something like that; but a sudden mental high encouraged him to just take the leap.

Meanwhile mentally Aurora was screaming yes, I'm fact she was dreaming of this but she didn't think it would happen this soon. Her mind started to ponder at the hope that maybe he could be potentially interested in her? Maybe he just wanted to take me to lunch to go over what I saw in my shift so no one suspected anything?

Either way Aurora started to get into her head about not coming across as too eager not knowing that eagerness was more than welcome to Oliver right now.

Taking a deep breathe and trying to avoid eye contact by staring at his eyebrows Aurora responded with a nod.

"That would be lovely," Oliver smiles in response.

"Great how does this weekend, Saturday sound?" Oliver had a rough idea of everyone's schedule and Aurora was one of the few that didn't have work on that day. So this would be perfect.

"Sounds good, sir." Aurora nods, Oliver shakes his head gently chuckling.

"Oliver is fine for Saturday, is it okay if we exchange numbers? In case anything comes up," Oliver suggests. He could feel his ears get hot.

Aurora agrees and they both rise from their seats, Oliver walks behind Aurora to send her off and admires her silhouette as she makes her way to the door. As she opens the door she unexpectedly turns to face Oliver who lost track and wound up directly facing her, very close.

Aurora feels her cheeks get hot as memories from her dream start to come back and she feels her whole body pulsate slightly. Oliver being no better than her and restraining himself from letting this calm and collected mask slip.

"I'll see you later then sir." Aurora smirks as she leaves.

Oliver's eyes trails her as she walks out the door and his eyes burn into her back before he goes back into his office and rests his hands on his desk while standing.

She may just be what makes him lose control after all.

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