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I woke up with Ayato holding my waist. I'm guessing that after I fell asleep, he moved us to my bed and spooned me.

He was still sleeping peacefully, so I tried to carefully remove myself from him. But the second I moved, his grip tightened.

It was involuntary, but I felt a smile form on my face. Ayato, the reason I was staying up all night, helped me sleep.

His arms around me made me feel safe, protected from the cold.

I poked his face to wake him up. His pale eyelids fluttered open and he stared at me with his soulless back eyes.

"Good morning." I said, he yawned. "We need to get up. We have school in fifteen minutes." He sighed and held me for a few more seconds before begrudgingly letting me go.

He left my room so I could change. He was still in his uniform from yesterday, so he said he didn't need to walk home.

Once I finished changing, I made us breakfast and we ate before leaving for school.

Ayato stayed close to me as we walked to the curb, and honestly I didn't mind.

Even though he is a suspect, I feel comfortable with him.

I see Taeko, Hanakō, Taro, and Osano waiting for me.

Their faces light up when they see me, but three of them frowned when they glanced at Ayato.

We greeted each other before walking to school


"Okay class, you can start the experiment." Mr. Rana said, I let out a small sigh as I put on some gloves, Ayato did the same.

We were testing the pH levels of chemicals that we were assigned, then take notes and write a paragraph on the reaction.

Everyone was assigned four chemicals, Ayato and I got Ammonia, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, and Sodium Hydroxide. All of which are extremely dangerous when they make contact with skin.

I personally thought that it was insane that we were dealing with such dangerous chemicals, but Ayato and I were one of the three groups with dangerous chemicals since we were the most careful. Osano and Taeko got H2O, which I laughed at.

"Okay, which two do you want to test?" I asked as he put some gloves on as well, he looked at the test tubes, "Nitric Acid and Sodium Hydroxide."

I looked at him, "Those are extremely dangerous to skin and you want to do both? I could do one of them."

He shook his head, "No. I don't want you to get hurt." He said. I felt myself blush.

"O-Oh." I muttered, "Are you sure?" He nodded. I smiled and we started the experiments.


Luckily, nobody got hurt. We washed our hands thoroughly before walking to the roof for lunch.

Our group decided to move to a bigger bench, this one had two facing each other.

The Yamada's sat on one side and Osano, Ayato, and I sat on the other.

I was in the middle and across from Taeko.

"How's the play going?" Taeko asked. I smiled, "It's going really good. The play is actually in a few days so I'm kinda nervous."

"You shouldn't be nervous, you're gonna be amazing!" Hanakō said. I smiled again and we continued to eat.

Until I noticed someone. It was Megamo. He was talking to another student council member. He glanced at me just as I began to look away.

After I finished eating, I excused myself and walked passed him. I felt him look at me, but I just walked to the bathroom.


"Okay, dress rehearsal is on Thursday and the play is on Friday." Kizano said, we all nodded.

"If you miss this, I will personally destroy you. " He threatened, we all shared a look before leaving practice.

I decided to visit my club room. We still had some time before we had to leave.

When I arrived to the room, I saw the desks and chairs on one wall. The electronics were on the other side.

"When are you opening the club." I flinched and looked behind me.

It was Megamo. "Uh, next week. Probably Monday."

He nodded and stepped inside the room. He looked at the desks and computers.

"Are you going to arrange the desks today?" He asked, I looked at the desks. "Yeah, I think I will." I glanced at my phone, "Or mabey I won't. Schools over."

He looked at me. "You may stay for as long as you need."

I smiled, "It's okay. I'm just gonna go home, I'm kinda tired."

He nodded and walked me to my locker. We changed our shoes and he walked me to the gate before a limo pulled up.

A driver stepped out and opened the door.

"Would you like a ride home?" He asked. I smiled again. "No, it's okay. I can walk."

He shook his head, "I insist."

He motioned to the car and I sighed as I got in the limo. He sat next to me and the driver shut the door before getting back in the car.

I told him my address and he drove me home.

When we arrived, Megamo got out limo and offered me a hand. I took it and got out of limo.

I let his hand go and we walked me to my door.

I unlocked it, "Bye Megamo." He nodded and I stepped inside before shutting and locking the door.

I heard him drive off and I went up to my room.

I changed into my pjs and laid on my bed.

I opened my phone and sent a text.

Hey, can you help me out
tomorrow at lunch?

They responded 'yes' and I replied.

Cool, meet me at the empty room
on the third floor.

I shut off my phone and decided to practice some lines before I took a shower and dry my hair.

After that, I made dinner before I went to sleep.


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