○ chapter 5. ●

Start from the beginning

He wasn't loosening up to him, hell no, but there was something slightly comforting in being with someone else during these times, even if that person was the closest thing someone could get to a pervert.

But now he felt ten-times safer, because he was outside of the school building with his friends, loitering for however long they could get away with. Still, there was that creeping sensation up his spine.

Two people had disappeared the prior night, a girl in Y/n's grade named Molly, and a boy who had graduated the previous year named Gabriel.

It was the timing that put Y/n on edge, though. It had to have happened at night, the posters that had been put up early in the morning stating that Molly was last seen at 11 p.m., which made it impossible for the killer to have struck any earlier than that.

That meant The Swine had to have kidnapped/murdered at least one of the two either before or after the break-in. And that thought was...

Y/n hadn't told anyone about the cut-short visit with death himself, and he knew he had to, but he couldn't find the right time. He'd text Erin about it on his way home from work. He wasn't sure if he could say it face-to-face, but that was inevitable...

"Ever considered having a sexual relationship with a cantaloupe?" A stereotypical surfer-bro voice rung out, undoubtedly belonging to Dayton, the one part of Y/n's group of friends that skipped lunch periods with them, his eyes focused but not quite focused on the (h/c) boy.

Y/n blinked a few times.

"Are you high?" He asked, watching suspiciously as Dayton laughed at the question like it was funny.

"I wish," Dayton sighed, before leaning back onto the grass behind the cement block he was sitting cross-legged on and starting to hum "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga.


Y/n slowly returned to the present conversation where the rest of the normal contributions to society spoke about the upcoming party and how they planned to go about it, Erin piping in a few times despite being completely useless due to his forced absence.

No, everything was much too normal. Y/n couldn't say anything yet. He would, eventually... before Friday, at least.

The next time Y/n tuned back into the surrounding chatter, the group was downed by Towa, Ezra, Teagan, and Erin, leaving Wade and Hannah to discuss not getting their drinks spiked and Dayton to do... whatever it was he did.

"I should go now, so, uhm, bye," Y/n said abruptly, awkwardly, earning waves from the two brunettes and a 'buh-bye' from the (dumb) blond.

Most of the other students who stayed a few minutes after the last period began to filter out, providing some 'safety in numbers' reassurance for the still on-edge boy.

As he walked back towards the bakery, he wondered if he should actually accept a ride from Stacy, who'd offered him one every day for like two months now.

Even then, will it help? I mean, the killer knows where I live. Why go through the trouble to take me out on the street when he could easily just kill me while I sleep?

But Y/n knew that wasn't how this worked. This killer had never killed anyone in a way that didn't spare them from suffering. Death while asleep? That was just too easy.

That knowledge alone was enough to keep Y/n's gut hollow and sensitive to the simple thought of his inevitable fate.

Y/n had barely passed the expanse of the school building when he suddenly felt arms around him, jolting him forward, and heard two highly-enthusiastic voices.

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