November 14th 2023

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My name is Josh, and I don't think that you're going to believe me. Hell, I'm pulling my own leg just by thinking anyone will read this. It's more for my sake than anyone else's, kind of like shouting  into the void, if that makes any sense. Maybe some of you horror junkies will stumble upon this. At the very least, I hope you find my plight entertaining... back to the point; something strange is going on and i'm going to hope that if it reaches anyone that they reach out, maybe let me know what to make of this situation.

It was two weeks ago, when it all started, Halloween night when *they* first arrived (I know very cliche, stay with me) . I wasn't expecting anyone. I live in the woods, my driveways a mile long which does me a lot of good when it comes to keeping the Mormons and the Jehovah's witnesses and the girls scouts out of my way. No offense to any of those  groups, I just want to be left alone. I'm not a big cookie or organized religion kind of guy (sorry). It also means no Trick-or-Treaters . Every year is the same. I watch some horror movies, eat the candy I bought for said absentee Trick-or-Treaters and go to sleep. I've Lived here for five years so I had expected a calm night and it was calm, until about ten . That was when I heard my dog Winifred start growling. Then I heard it, the knocking. I probably would have opened the door right then and there. If my dog wasn't as worked up as she was. So I told myself that it was UPS or something, they saw that my lights were on and started knocking to let me know that there was a package (post people do that right?) I wasn't about to let Winnie trample this person just because they spooked her. So I stayed on the couch, and continued watching  Lifetime. But the knocking didn't stop. It got louder and louder and louder rapidly drumming on my door for twenty minutes while my dog barked and barked until I couldn't take it any more.

"Just leave it at the door!" I called. The knocking and barking stopped for maybe a solid minute before it started back up again. I didn't know if this was a prank but with how late it was I was starting to feel uneasy . I don't own a gun or any weapons for that matter but at that moment I felt like I needed one. I preface now that I'm not a violent person and I've never felt the need to defend myself while I've lived here, but This was starting to get fucking creepy. So I grabbed a knife from the kitchen block. I wasn't expecting the person at the door to have my best interests at heart. so, knife in hand went to the door and stood there for a moment hesitating, as the knocking stopped. (Not a surprise considering all the lights were on in the house they probably saw my shadow.)

I finally got the courage to open up the door.I cracked it open hiding my body behind it. What was standing on my doorstep at first was a relief, *kids*. Impatient kids! A girl who looked to be about ten with shaggy bangs that covered her eyes. She wore a light pink sweatshirt and jeans that looked dirty. Holding her hand was a boy who looked to be about seven, maybe eight. He had on a green tee shirt with green shorts and a bull cut. He was looking at his feet.

"Can we come in?" the girl said before I could muster anything. The relief left as quick as it came. This pit in my stomach grew,  not necessarily because of her question but rather the peculiarity of it all. I looked over the kids shoulders. There wasn't a parent in sight. I don't have kids but I have never understood letting children go out alone on Halloween at least not in my area. It just doesn't seem safe. Not only that, but if I haven't said it enough yet, it was ten-ish at night and my driveway is ONE MILE LONG UPHILL. Meaning; that these kids would have had to without a parent climbed up my one mile driveway, uphill, in the dark, all for a fun-size pack of m&m's. They also weren't in costume–

"Can we come in?" she asked again

"No" I said a little more blunt than I intended "but I can get you guys some candy" without really waiting for their response I closed the door and went into the kitchen to get the candy. I looked down at the knife in my hand as Winnie snarled at the door. This was weird but despite my nerves they were just children. At the moment I felt awful for even grabbing the knife to begin with. So I put it back in the block grateful that no one got hurt. If only I knew what I know now I might have acted differently. As I got the candy the knocking started again as impatient as before, loud and  rapid . I told myself that they were probably just excited to get a treat.  As soon as I opened the door the girl said through gritted teeth in a voice that I've never heard a child use said

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