Part 2

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"Ugh, do my teachers hate me or something? How am I supposed to finish all this by Friday?"

Pencil thrown to the desk.

"Man, this is pointless."

A sudden knock on the door.

"Isen? The door's open remember-"

The door swings open, and I see a red haired boy in clothes not too flattering for his physique. Figures, he probably wasn't expecting any visitors. Much less-

"Keene?" the red head remarks alarmed.

"Blyke, how's Wellston's Jack doing?" the head of security replies.

"Uh, good I guess. What's the problem?"

"No problem, just, well there's no easy way to say this. So I won't try, you have a new roommate, here he is." he likes to get to the point I guess.

"H-Hi, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you...?" aw geez, this is so fucking awkward.

"Blyke, and it's nice to meet you too." he says that, but I don't think he's all too happy about this. Not upset just, confused and a bit annoyed.

Turning his attention away from me and back to Keene "Seriously? A new roommate? Isn't this a bit last minute?"

"Yes, but to tell you the truth without divulging sensitive information, much about Y/N's transfer has been a bit last minute." Keene drops my bag as if to make it clear the matter has already been decided. "Sorry Blyke, really wish I could've told you before, but it was only decided today."

"Okay..." Blyke is still confused, obviously, he doesn't know what all this sensitive information stuff is about. But I think he's starting to accept it. "I guess that's fine."

"Perfect!" Keene gestures for me to go inside, which I do begrudgingly. "As expected of this school's Jack, I owe you one." Blyke nods in response.

"Okay." so this is happening. "Thanks for carrying my bag, Keene."

"It was nothing. I mean seriously, just one bag? You don't like to carry a lot, huh?"

I chuckle. "Yeah, I guess not."

Keene stares at the two of us from the doorway, before looking down. "Well, I'll let you two get to know each other. And then get some sleep! It's a school night, boys."

"I will Mr. Kenne." I reply.

"Just Keene is fine, Y/N. See you at school, goodnight kids!"

"Night Keene." Blyke retorts before closing the door. Man, he looks tired.

"Sorry about this." I feel the need to say, looking at my new roommate.

"Don't worry about it, it's the school's fault." he replies, gesturing me inside. "Besides it's not like I mind having a roommate, been wanting one for a while actually. Just, you know, thought there would be more notice."

"Yeah..." great, and it's already gotten awkward.

Neither of us says anything for a moment, until I notice his desk. Laptop with papers on paper, homework. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything." I joke, gesturing towards it.

Blyke does a little awkward chuckle "Yeah, I've been buried in homework this week, trying to get as much of it done as I can..."

So that's why he was annoyed. "Oh, I'll let you get back to it then." I turn around to go back to my bed.

"Wait!" he stops me. "You just got here, I'd feel bad if I sent you away. I was probably going to procrastinate on it anyway." he laughs, a real one this time. "Let's just do the basics." He takes a seat on his bed, motions me to do the same.

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