Out of reach

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TW: None

Words cannot describe how much I love you,
the thought of you comforts me, brings me peace,
your words comfort me, helping me through the darkest of times,
you are my light,
yet you're out of reach

You're out of reach,
as we are in two different places,
places that are not easily reached,
places that are far apart.

Others tell me I should love another,
that I should move on,
but I simply cannot,
for my heart belongs to you,
and you alone.

I cannot love another,
for they are not you,
when I gaze upon another,
I do not feel the same love and comfort
as I would if I were to gaze upon you.

You're out of reach,
yet I continue to love you,
ignoring others who tell me I shouldn't,
for you hold my heart,
even though you do not know it

I love you, and forever will
although you will never be truly mine,
I will be yours,
for your words, your voice,
even the thought of you,
makes me happy, and brings me sweet comfort,
in my darkest moments, in times where I cannot see the light,
even though you are out of reach,
I will continue to love you,
from now, in the future, for eternity,
my heart belongs to you, and you alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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