Rainbow (虹)

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A soft summer breeze flowing softly,

The amber rays of the sun shining brightly,

The cerulean sky being as clear as water,

no clouds to be in sight.

Suddenly, pewter clouds roll in,

partially obscuring the amber rays,

as the clouds begin to cry,

crystal raindrops begin to fall.

The amber rays that broke through,

shine upon the crystal drops,

creating a mirage of colours,

for everyone to gaze upon and admire.

Crimson like fresh strawberries,

the colour being as sweet as the fruit,

the first of the mirage of colours,

for everyone to gaze upon and admire

Orange like a monarch butterfly,

that flutters gracefully and carefully,

the second of the mirage of colours,

for everyone to gaze upon and admire

Yellow like a bumblebee,

that buzzes quickly, working hard,

working to pollinate a diverse range of flowers,

the third of the mirage of colours,

for everyone to gaze upon and admire

Emerald like a flourishing forest,

the trees swaying in the gentle summer breeze,

leaves adorned by the clouds' tears,

the fourth of the mirage of colours,

for everyone to gaze upon and admire

Aqua like forget-me nots,

that had bloomed in the previous season,

the fifth of the mirage of colours,

for everyone to gaze upon and admire

Sapphire like the jewel,

sparkling beautifully,

drawing people in with its beauty,

the sixth of the mirage of colours,

for everyone to gaze upon and admire,

Violet like orchids,

representing love, luxury, beauty and strength,

all of which we have, or could have,

whether we embrace them though,

that is another question.

The seventh of the mirage of colours,

for everyone to gaze upon and admire

The colours come together,

being born from water and light meeting,

they compliment each other,

each having their own individual beauty,

for everyone for gaze upon and admire.

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