I love you but...

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TW: None

The sun shining brightly,

Leaves gently rustling,

A soft breeze flowing through

As soft grey clouds drift by 

I watch you,

Smiling, laughing, being happy

I smile, seeing you happy,

But i wish I could be the source of that happiness

I love you but I can't tell you

I didn't know if you felt the same,

So I didn't want to tell you,

I was scared

On that fateful day,

The day you asked me to join you on a forest walk,

I happily agreed,

After all,

I loved spending time with you

After a short while,

You told me how you felt,

You said those fateful words

"I really like you"

My heart fluttered,

I was overjoyed,

Yet, I felt something stronger

And I couldn't say the right words

"I want to say I love you" 

There was a silence,

I couldn't say it,

And I could see your expression change

One of love, to one of worry

I wanted to be the source of your happiness, not sadness.

I had to say it, I knew I did

But I was scared,

I didn't know if you felt just as strongly

"I love you"

I said it

I waited for your response

You smiled, and embraced me

I accepted it,

Feeling the weight of my shoulders,

Your embrace was warm,

It made me feel safe, loved


You became my world, and I became yours

I want you to stay by my side, forever 

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