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"Now what I didn't say already. The second bullet grazed the iliac artery, which we were lucky to get you into the OR when we did or you would have bled out into your abdomen. It lodged into your small intestines but Dr. Marcel was able to get it out without doing any extra damage."

Olivia bit at her lip as she listened in, she wasn't that aware of how bad it had been. Sure he had looked, one cough gone wrong, away from death's door but she heavily assumed it was just her eyes playing tricks on her while she assumed the worse.

Not that he was bleeding internally still while she was sat there next to him. "We're gonna keep you here the next day, maybe two, make sure you're healing right and there's not any damage we missed." Dr. Choi glanced over at the girl before back to Kevin. "Any questions?"

He shook his head slightly, "Not that I can think of, thanks Ethan."

"Yeah no problem man, I'll be back to check on you later. We're just waiting for a bed to open up upstairs before we can move you." With that he left the room and Olivia let out a breath, looking down at her feet. She stifled a yawn before moving to take her rightful seat next to the bed.

As soon as she sat she tugged her lips down in a smile, "I knew a couple bullets couldn't kill ya," She spoke, getting a faint laugh and a nod from the man.

"Damn right, where are the others?"

"Working, Voight made me stay here since the last time my partner..." Olivia trailed off, even after all this time it was still hard for her to really think about. To really talk about. And Kev knew that, of course he did.

He got the rundown of the team's history and especially Olivia's all within his first week upstairs. "I know." He put a reassuring hand on hers, "But I'm okay. And we'll find this guy." His words were reassuring.

They had to be likely to find him, his tactics were messy, his trail of victims was growing and now he had directly attacked a team member? Which in itself didn't even make sense. "I just don't get it. Why were you a target? I mean the first three victims were all law based. Lawyer, law student, judge. And then to jump to a police officer? Especially when you don't have any connection to any of the three victims before."

A pause. "Not to mention, why kill those three in the span of what? A week? And then put a pause on things for two whole weeks and completely change who he goes after?" A heavy sigh left her lungs as she shook her head. "It just doesn't make sense."

"It doesn't, but we'll figure out the connection if there is one." Olivia put her other hand on top of the one Kevin had on her's, nodding.

"I know, I just hate this. I mean, I thought maybe you guys were out in the field and didn't call me or something. Not that, that this creep got in your house?" She could feel herself tearing up again, pulling her hands away to press into her eyes.

She did not want to cry in front of him, not right now at least. "Hey, Ols, it's okay. We'll get him." He would have reached for a hug if he wasn't worried about pulling either a stitch or IV out of him, instead opting to just grab her hand again.

A knock came to the door, Connor poking his head in, "Hey, sorry to interrupt but I thought you two could use some breakfast." His eyes lingered on their joined hands for a moment before Olivia stood, waving him in.

"Yeah, yes, especially Kev." She lifted the food tray he was holding from him, turning to put it on the table that swung over his bed. "Here, eat. I'll be right back." He nodded faintly, ready to eat something finally, not even realizing how hungry he'd been.

Olivia turned, pulling Connor out of the room and hugging him, "Thank you, you didn't have to do that." She said appreciatively, pulling back to look at him with a smile.

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