Arya coms to a halt only to be tossed off her white horse and rolled down the small hill.

~With the young hunters~

They jog up and down hills, excited and prepared for a kill. The male making sure to help the female when they passed by steeper parts.

When the girl abruptly latched into the boys arm, making the boy stumble slightly. She points to a doe not far from where they stood.

The golden boy notched his arrow and prepared to release.

~With Arya~

The woman is running with all her might, sword clutched in her hand; trying to get away when out of thin air a massive ring of fire surrounds her. She turns to get out on to find that she is completely surrounded.

The red-haired demon speaks in an ancient language forcing the fire to grow. The man walks through fire "Give it to me," he spoke "Durza" Arya gasps "and I'll let you live." "Is there anyone who trust the word of a shade?" She quickly pulls out the stones, holding them in the air, and begins to chant in the same ancient language. Suddenly a bright light shined.

When it settled the stones were gone.

~With the hunters~

Just as he released his arrow the same white light from before blasted through the woods, forcing him to miss his target. The arrow, on fire, impaled a tree; on the ground were two stones, one blue the other black. Thick smoke was surrounding them. The two teenagers look at each other with curiosity present on their faces.

~With Arya and Durza~

Durza walked closer to Arya as she laid on the floor using magic to throw her on her back, Arya shuddering at the overuse of power "Where did you send them?" he asks "Poor Durza, how will you tell the king... you failed?" She whispers. He uses his magic to choke her

~With the hunters~

As the two walked closer to the smoking stones the girl grasps the boys' elbow "Wait, what if it's dangerous? We don't know what these are." the brunette told him "Relax I just want to look at them" He dismissed his friends worriedness and stepped closer to the blue stone.

Suddenly the girl was no longer worried as, she too, became entrance by the stones; more specifically the Ebony stone. Almost as if it were calling to her. They both pick up each stone studying them closer.


She gasps

~With the stones~

The pair softly blow to get rid of the dirt


A smile appears on her face as she began to lose conscious

~With the Teenagers~

"Eragon we should go, it's getting late, and I still have to make it past Valdemar to not get caught" The green-eyed girl told Eragon

"Yeah, but we're taking these" He told her "Wha- What do you mean we're taking these? Eragon, we don't even know what these are, and how are we going to explain these to our families?" She questions. "It's really simple actually, Kaida, we don't tell them." He said as he began to walk back putting the 'stone' in his pouch, Kaida doing the same with her eyebrows scrunched

"Now come on, we need to get you home. we'll talk about this tomorrow, okay?" He looked at the girl "Fine. But if i get caught with this and get in trouble I'm taking you down with me." She told him with a smile and a laugh as they walk to her house.

"Goodnight Kai, see you in the morning" Eragon said as she made her way to her window "If you're not dead by then I will!" she laughs out as she said goodnight and pulled the cloth to cover the window.

Eragon made his way home with the stone making sure to be extra quite as he got ready for bed, he blows out the candle and the room goes dark.



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