Chapter seven : Eve

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"I went to find him, we kind of 'broke up', haven't talked to eachother since. He made it clear he didn't want anything to do with me anymore."

He seemed really hurt saying that. She tried to understand.

"Well I think that's for the better. You know how I feel about these kind of relationships"
He did. She'd told him countless times.

"I'm an adult, Eve, I made my choices." "I was fine with them, I was happy with them, we were happy."

"Waiting until someone is eighteen to make a move isn't exactly.. ethical Luther. It's okay to feel hurt by it." Waiting until someone is eighteen to make a move is simply fucked. But she couldn't tell him that.

"I'm not hurt by it. I'm hurt by the fact that it stopped."
Oh, this boy was brainwashed, there wasn't other explanation for it.

"How are you so sure he didn't do the same with his other clients?" "Sure, he made you feel special, but were you really?" She should bring him out of his little fantasy land.

"I- No, no I don't want to think about that."
Right, because it wasn't practical, it was out of his comfort zone.

"But you have to. Sometimes we have to face these things, not ignore them." "You're a victim Luther, the only way to move on is to accept it."
It was visible that he didn't want to understand.

Something seemed to change in his eyes, the look of realisation, guilt, and pain.

"No!" "He was- he was nice to me."

Denial, it was common amongst clients like him.

This was hard but he needed to understand.

"You always put yourself into such awful situations. That, and now the bar? Why do you do this to yourself Luther?"
She'd wondered that from day one.

"Oh you just had to bring it up now, didn't you?" "I liked him! Eve, and he liked me back! I needed money and I'm making money. Is all that so bad?"

"Yes it's bad. It's hurting you, it's not good for you." It destroyed him, inside and out.

"How do you know what's good for me?" She didn't know if she wanted to laugh or cry.

"It's my job." She tried to sound as caring as possible. Thought it still sounded a bit sarcastic.

"Right." He looked really upset.

"Just promise me you'll quit working in there."
He didn't.

Like before, he went silent. This time he didn't stop breathing, he was hyperventilating and sobbing.

"... Can we... stop.. talking... about this... just... just for today..?" He said between breaths.

"Of course." She didn't push anymore.

"But can you try and breathe a little slower for me?"

She waited for him to correct his breathing.

"What do you want to talk about?" He looked okay now. As okay as it got.

"I don't know,
us?" That was unexpected.

"What about us?" But she already knew what he meant.

"Where do we go from now? What happens to us?" Nothing, that's what happens.

"As I said before, this can't go on Luther." She explained it again.

"So that's it? We just stop seeing eachother?"

"Yes, who knows? Maybe it'll be better that way."
She forced herself to believe it.

"But- but I need you Eve."
That made her heart ache.

"I'm sorry, there's really nothing I can do."

She hated to see him cry, but for the rest of their appointment she let him. It was clear he needed to get it out.

When it was over and there were both standing at the door. She wiped his tears carefully. "Shh now, this isn't how I want to remember you." And he actually stopped crying.

They waited for a while, until he spoke up.

"... It won't."


"What?" He confused her so much.

"Be better, what you said before, I don't think it will." Oh.

"Then I guess you'll just have to wait and see." He looked disappointed.

That's how she remember him, not crying, but looking at the floor numbingly.

That's how she imagined him on nights where she was lonely, or nights where she felt more touch starved than usual. On those nights, she'd figure that, she needed him too.

A week passed. And deep down she hoped he'd show up, beg her to make things like they were before.

For them to continue whatever they were doing. Because she'd agree, it was wrong but she would, if that meant seeing him again.

But he didn't. He didn't book an appointment or show up outside the place or call or text. For once, he'd actually done what she'd told him, and it stung.

That was until.

Until another week pasted. And it was Friday.

And he called her.

And through the phone she could hear his sobbing.

And she felt her heart shatter into a million peaces at once.

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