The fazbear guild

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The fazbear guild is the newest guild in town and they are excited to start Bryan and Vendi bought the guild on the outcoast of town and waited for it to be built before they began they're guild
Here's they're starting members

Bryan-a fire dragon slayer who while rich hates his mother  after he found out they used forbidden magic on his head he since found his younger half brother after digging through some files and is now looking for a way to undo the memory erasure magic and secretly bring their real father back. B tier

Dylan- a water dragon  slayer his magic is the opposite of his brothers Bryan though originating from the same magic type his dragon was a young dragon who taught him dragon slaying magic so they could do more 'games' after learning this magic the dragon was soon slain by villagers as the dragon was  torturing villagers for their 'games' he doesn't remember much of them just the magic they were taught. B teir

Ivy- a celestial magic user though the keys they have now are few Ivy became a celestial wizard to aid in Vendis dream of being the most powerful guild and not fail in protecting the village unlike the other guilds

Jake- a dark magic devil slayer he often deals with the playful devil stuck in their body and wants to help the guild to their best abilities c tier

Sabrina- ice magic user often makes sculptures out of ice and is quite proficient A tier

Colin- a shapeshifter whom can turn into many battle ready monsters though can't control it well tier C

Vendi— a ice God slayer though considers them self far superior than the other guilds will plan to play nice in meetings
Tier S

Pluto- a earth  devil slayer is quite proficient on plant magic and earth magic and welcomed into their soon to be guild after Vendi promised to wipe away they're record of killing their toxic ex B tier

Iris-a fire  magic user and quite proficient in it but true passion is creating. A tier

Davis- a lightning Dragon slayer and will sometimes help with the guild but not a true member

Animatronics or other humans will join later as I start up the story for now enjoy the 10 starting members!

Villains of their tale

Rose- a magic user who seems to have an affinity for all types of magic even forbidden ones

Vylan- was transported from another world and had a earth devil slayer put in him

Eros- a small Fox like being who can multiply

Queeni- newest member but was reluctant to join magic is unknown

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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