He wasnt necessarily afraid, but he was confused.

"Hello?" He says into nothing, only a small echo coming back in return. Just then, he feels a weight in his left hand, noticing that he has the pen he picked up in his hands.

Having no concept of prioritizing, he lifted it to his eyes, examining it. It was a very pretty pen, in his opinion.

Suddenly, the urge to draw something, anything, came over him. He didnt care if it was an actual drawing, he just wanted the experience of moving his pen about.

A strange urge.

He raises the pen to the height of one of the coloured purple streaks, dragging the pen through the air. But instead of looking stupid like he expected, a dark crimson red light flowed from his pen stroke, staying in the air.

Amazed by this, Izuku continued to draw with the strange light, making a sword with the light. As he was about to move on, he was enveloped in the same bright light that brought the boy here and he is back in the real world, a red, purple, and black sword in his hand. The hilt looked like it was made of some kind of obsidian while the blade looked like it was made of a plasma-like ruby material.

He just yelped, dropping the weapon he was holding. But it landed with the blade impairing the floor, the carpet setting ablaze in a wonderful but horrible red flame.

His screaming echoed throughout the apartment, Inko rushing over to him from the dootframe and picking him up. As she was about to reach for the doorhandle, a searing pain traveled up her leg, soon extending up her whole body and enveloping her and causing her to drop Izuku onto his feet.

"Mom!" He wails, about to jump to her.

"Stop! Get out of here! You'll be killed! I'm sorry but I love you! I always will! Go to M-" she was about to say something but the flames ate away at her body, killing her and sending shock through Izuku, who just opened the door crying and ran out, slamming the door behind him and collapsing to the ground in a fit of broken sobs and cries of total despair.

The first person to notice him was his below neighbor, coming out to check what's wrong because everything felt a bit too hot and they wanted to check if he and his mother were having the same issue, but she saw Izuku balling his eyes out on the ground outside the door and the door had various singe marks.

"Izuku? Oh my kami, are you okay? What happened?" Kajime Sasagura asked the boy  kneeling beside him.

"She's gone! Mom! She's gone!" He chanted a few times brokenly before continuing to empty his bodies supply of water onto his cheeks and the floor.

Kajime, unaware of what exactly happened, stood and was about to open the door to ask what's wrong, when there was a shout from down the stairs.

"Stop! Dont open that door!" The hero: Manual yelled, sprinting up the stairs.

"M- Manual? What are you doing here? Dont you work in Hosu?" She stopped, turning to the hero.

"I was on a mission here and I got an alert that there was a fire here. You see, there are cameras inside these apartments, but they only turn on when there is a fire inside one of them so that we can see how badly the fire is. It went off and apparently there was a raging fire inside! I have to put it out!" He informs very quickly, lightly pushing aside Kajime before creating a wall of water around the door and yanking it open.

A raging inferno of red and purple flames emerged from the open door, blasting steam in every direction once it came into contact with the water. Manual put aside the abnormality of the colour of flames for now and focused on putting them out, grimacing at the sight of singed bones with barely any flesh left.

A few minutes later, the fire was put out and Manual had the sword Izuku made encased in water, it constantly letting off a ridiculous amount of smoke.

"Hey, umm..." the Hero looked to his left at the family name on the house number, "Little Midoriya? I'm sorry to ask you this when you've just lost a family member, but do you know what this is?" He asks, gesturing to the encased sword.

"I- I drew I- It." Izuku responds weakly, hugging Kajime.

"You drew it? Were you using it as a model? I mean what is it? I mean it's constantly setting things on fire." The Hero clarifies his request, confused.

"I was in this weird place with my pen... It started glowing and I drew a sword. I came back to the living room and I had that sword. I accidentally dropped it and it set things on fire." Izuku explains after taking a few deep breaths.

"Is that your quirk? Materialising what you draw?" He asks, intrigued now.

"The Doctor person said I'm quirkless though."

"Those can be wrong! And if it is, that's an amazing quirk! Totally fit for a hero!"

That sentence woke Izuku up to reality.

"I....can be a hero?"


The Pen is The Artist's: Swo- Quirk? [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now