"Different? Good different?" I asked. I hated seeing her like this and I know for a fact it was mostly due to Conrad and not about the bonfire.

"I don't know, Jeremiah and Steven interrupted and then they just all left to the bonfire." She leaned against my shoulder so her head was resting on it. Her hair was still wet from her night swim and I could feel my t-shirt start to get damp.

"We should go to that bonfire and show Conrad that you're grown up. You're not some child anymore Bells, you're a blossoming young lady." I tried to joke a bit to make her laugh which she did and slightly slapped my leg.

"Are you just saying that because you secretly want to go to the bonfire to hang out with Jeremiah?" She sat up and wiggled her eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes at her, slapping her leg this time.

"No, I want to hang out with you. You never know, you might meet a boy there." Maybe something new is what she needed to push past her feelings for Conrad. I suddenly felt hypocritical because I already made it known that I didn't want another boy to get over what Jace did to me.

"Same goes for you."


We FaceTimed Taylor, before actually agreeing to go. Taylor basically convinced both of us and she actually packed two of her 'sexy' dresses into Belly's suitcase before we left for Cousins. The 'sexy' dress in question was a white, spaghetti strap dress that hugged my mid-thighs. Small pink flowers were spread evenly among the dress. 

The two of us successfully snuck out of the house which kind of made me feel dirty. I have never snuck out of the house before and the last thing I want to happen is to make Laurel or Susannah disappointed. I'm sure Laurel would tell my mom and she would also be disappointed as well. I am praying that doesn't happen though and I know it won't. We both promised each other we would head back either by ourselves or with the boys and sneak back in the back door. 

We made our way to the bonfire, and as if we both had a red blinking arrow above our heads, gas station guy approached us.

"Yo, gas station girl." He is so not cute at all, even in this dim lighting.

Belly tried to get out of the conversation as I scanned the faces around the fire. I decided not to text Jeremiah and just show up instead in case he'd tell Steven. I know Steven would have a fit about us showing up.

Of course, the first person I see is Steven. I know I'd rather be bitched at by him than spend another second with this pedo.

"Steven!" I yelled, waving my arm to try and get his attention. He was with some girl, walking hand in hand when he turned to look over at Belly and me. He instantly glared at the both of us as he made his way over.

"What are you two doing here? And I-I'm sorry, wh-what are you wearing?" His eyes scanned back and forth between Belly and me. Steven has always been the overprotective brother that I never had. As much as he would hate to admit it, he truly cares about us even though we are the two annoying little "sisters".

"I invited her," Creepy gas station guy pointed at Belly and not me. "Who the fuck are you?"

I sent gas station guy the nastiest look even though he was staring at Steven.

"I'm her brother. She's 15, you pedo." Steven shouted back.

"Exactly what I was thinking!" I chimed in which made Belly glare at me.

"I'm almost sixteen." She interjected, but gas station guy backed off and walked away, leaving Belly, Steven, the girl he was with, and myself standing awkwardly.

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