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                           (Aurora's POV)

I slowly felt myself gain consciousness as I was being lifted up. I open up my eyes and see Wrecker picking me up.

"Aurora! Are you ok?!" Wrecker says worriedly.

I mumbled something but wasn't sure what I said.

"Hunter! We need help!" I heard Echo shout into his comm then everything went black again.

————some time later————

I don't know how long it's been but I felt someone put there hands underneath my back and legs to pick me up bridal style. My face fell against there chest armor.

I opened my eyes and saw it was Hunter. I tried to get away from his grip quickly.

"Easy, Aurora," Hunter says calmly. "I got you."

I stopped fighting and a couple minutes later he helps me to my feet. I look to my right and saw a lot of dead people on the ground.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I saved ya, don't worry about it." Felix says casually.

"That is not what happened, If anything you just watched." Tech says.

"They sneaked up on us and injected something into your neck and you automatically knocked out." Echo explains to me.

I stayed quiet.

"I'm getting better with my bow! I took down ten!" Omega said excitedly and I smiled.

"Hunter, I suppose it would be better if you stay with us because of your enhanced senses, you could have heard them from at least a mile away." Tech says and Hunter nods.

"Your right, I'll stay." Hunter says and Omega looks up at him and smiles, he slightly smiles back.

————half an hour later————

                        (Third person POV)

Aurora was sitting against a boulder in the middle with Omega on one side and Felix on the other. Tech, Wrecker, and Echo were all doing the mission while Hunter was watching Felix.

"You know what, I'm just gonna say it. I don't trust him." Hunter says to his brothers.

"Ha! We know why you don't." Wrecker says with a shoulder bump and Hunter rolls his eyes.

"Hunter, we all can see it, even Omega. Your head over heels for her and you get jealous when any other man talks to her." Echo says as he's focusing on the mission.

"I'm not jealous." Hunter states quickly.

"You are indeed jealous, all the signs are there." Tech says.

Hunter stood up to get a better glance at the people and he heard a noise. He quickly turned around and saw it was a droid. Not just a droid but Gonky. He was beeping like crazy. The whole batch could understand him except for Aurora.

"Gonky? What is it?" Omega asked as she ran over to him.

He beeped 3 times and Hunter's eyes widened. Aurora walked over to them.

"What is it?" Aurora asked.

"Gonky just told us the Marauder got taken by raiders." Echo explains.

"Wait? Shouldn't we try and stop them?" Omega says.

"It's too late, it's alright been taken." Echo says and Omega lowered her head.

"We can't just let them take it. That's our home!" Omega says and everyone stays quiet.

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