"I-" She began, but Joe quickly cut her off.

"You know I'd love to stay here with you." He told her, "But Kev seemed very persistent about leaving. Probably wants to talk about the band again."

Joe looked away as the words left his mouth. It was as if he seemed more distant whenever mentioning the band. Emmie didn't blame him. It was still a sensitive subject for Joe. But he was trying his best to work through it.

"You're still unsure?" She asked, catching his attention one more. Joe frowned to himself, before giving her a small nod.

"I just don't know if I'm ready for that kind of responsibility again." He let out a sigh. "I loved it when we were younger, but things have changed. I don't know if it's worth the risk."

Emmie stays silent for a moment, as Joe lets out his feelings. She could see how much the situation bothered him, but she could also see how much he longed for his brothers back.

"Maybe you should go. Hear them out. You never know, things might turn out better than planned?"

Joe looked at her, knowing that he couldn't run from it any longer. He would have to come to a decision at some point. Even if there was a part of him that wanted to go back to the band, his mind wouldn't agree with his heart. And he didn't know how to fix it.

He eventually gave her a small nod, pulling her into a hug as he let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding. He felt content in her presence, as if al his worries no longer existed. He wished it could always be like that, but he knew he would have to face reality one way or another.

"I'll be here waiting, as soon as you get back." Emmie reassured him. Joe smiled, pressing a kiss on her head as a 'thank you'.

"Let's do something tonight." He announced, looking down at her, "Explore the town before we leave? I'll take you out to dinner after?" He winked, making her smile.

"I would like that." She agreed, "Now come on.. before Kevin decides to walk in on us again."


The boys had been gone for a few hours before they decided to return. Emmie spent most of the afternoon on the phone to Thea, catching her up on everything she had missed since they had been gone. She wanted to surprise her with the news that Joe had asked her to be his girlfriend- but of course she already knew. She should've known that Joe would confide in her best friend to plan the entire thing. But she was glad Thea was somehow a part of it, even if she hadn't been there to witness it herself.

She stared at the pile of clothing options sprawled out on the bed, indecisive about what to wear that day. She had showered and washed her hair, throwing on a a pair of lounge shorts and one of Joe's shirts. Specifically one that had his cologne lingering on the material.

In the midst of her debate, there was a soft knock at the door, and Emmie almost jumped, expecting it to be Joe. But she sighed in relief when her eyes fell on Dani as she wandered into the room.

"Everything okay?" The brunette asked, watching as Emmie's expression softened.

She nodded, glancing at the clothes once more. And of course, Dani could instantly tell she needed help.

"What's the occasion?" She quizzed, stepping towards her, reaching out as her fingers skimmed the fabric of each different shirt.

"Oh we're just going out for dinner." Emmie shrugged, looking back at her friend. "I was thinking just these?" She held up a pair of denim shorts with a frilled lace pocket, and an old band tee.

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