𝕱𝖊𝖆𝖗, 𝕷𝖚𝖘𝖙, 𝕯𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖗𝖊

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"Bill?" I exclaimed, the baseball bat slipping out of my hands and hitting the tiles. My gaze traveled from his eyes, down his body where his hands were covering his manhood, and then back up. It finally hit me, and I turned away. Without saying a word, I left the room and made my way to the kitchen to grab a drink. I opened one of the cabinets and found a half-full whiskey bottle. I poured myself a glass and jumped onto the kitchen counter. This week has been crazy. At least it's finally Friday, and I won't have to leave this damn house for two days.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps echoing throughout the silent house as Bill walked down the hallway towards the living room. As soon as I saw him, a dark red blush spread across my face. His makeup was freshly done, and he was wearing a tight black turtleneck, dark blue flared jeans, and heavy boots. I hadn't noticed it when I walked in on him showering, maybe because I was distracted by 'something else,' but he didn't have his dreads anymore. Now, he had a black mohawk that made him look more dangerous but twenty times hotter than he was before.

I swallowed the burning liquid as I watched him walk closer to me. He took the empty glass out of my hands and poured a drink for himself. I wanted to say something or at least apologize for invading his privacy like that earlier, but it felt like my tongue was stuck in my throat.

He emptied my glass, set it on the table, and then turned to me. I wasn't drunk since I had only had about two glasses, but I was tipsy enough that when I tried to jump off the counter, I lost my balance. He caught me, spun me around, and lifted me by my thighs, wrapping my legs around his waist. I stared into his dark brown eyes, my heart pounding so hard I could hear it. He carried me into my room, sat me down on my bed, and made his way to my closet. As if he had read my mind, he answered my unspoken question.

"I heard what has been going on while we were away. You need to relax for a bit, so we are going to a party, and we are going to party fucking hard tonight." He explained and threw an outfit for me on the bed right next to me. It was a black crop top with laces, a long-sleeve mesh top, a pair of similar jeans as his that I had for a while now, and my favorite belt with stars. "Get dressed, and I'll do your makeup after."

He walked into my bathroom and started rummaging through my makeup bags. I began dressing. I had removed my shirt and my pants, but I froze when I noticed that the noise he was making had stopped. I turned my head to see him grinning at me, leaning on the doorframe, his arms crossed on his chest. "Go on, at least you're not naked like I was," He wasn't even hiding the mischief in his eyes as he watched me get dressed. I could feel the burning in my cheeks. I was going to apologize before, but I guess now we're even.

When I was finally dressed, he motioned for me to come into the bathroom as the lighting was better there. I sat down on one of the chairs he had placed next to the sink, where most of my stuff was, and he sat right across from me on the other one. He took a cotton pad and the micellar water, starting to remove the makeup I already had on.

He searched the makeup bag once again and took out my black eyeshadow and eyeliner. "I'm going to make you into the girl version of me, baby," he said, clearly excited to do my makeup. I smiled at him and closed my eyes so he could paint them black.

I watched his concentrated expression as he touched up my eyeliner. The tip of his tongue was sticking out between his lips; he looked so cute. He screwed the cap on the eyeliner and placed it on the counter. Then, he gently grabbed my chin, examining his art from both sides. Suddenly, his eyes locked onto mine, a serious look on his face. My smile faded. The fingers that he was holding my chin with wrapped around my neck, and he pulled me into a kiss.

I answered his kiss, placing my arms around his neck. He pulled me into his lap, a soft moan escaping his lips when he sat me, wrapping my legs around his waist once again. I wasn't quite comfortable sitting like that, because whatever he had in his pockets was poking my inner thighs so I started to shuffle, but that made me even more uncomfortable. Suddenly our lips separated, and he let out another moan, this time louder. I pulled away so I could see his face, but seeing the look in his eyes made me freeze. I looked down, and the realization hit me like the bat I was carrying around before. His pockets were empty.

I looked back at his lustful expression, all the butterflies in my stomach trying to break out and eat him up. If Markus hadn't ruined me, I would let him fuck me right here, right now on this exact bathroom counter. However, I, of course, bitched out again.

"I still need to put some mascara on and feed my cat before we go," I said, standing up and turning away.

"Oh, yeah, you're right," he got the hint. "Wait a minute, a cat? Since when is there a cat?" he asked, confused.

"Since my mom sent it to me for some reason," I explained, curling my lashes. "You can feed it, if you want, it should be somewhere around here, and the food is in the cupboard underneath the sink," Without further questions, he walked out to find the cat. "Its name is Bee, by the way," I yelled as he exited my room.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I gazed at myself through the mirror. Why am I like this? It has been four years; how come he is still ruining my life after all this time?

I was startled by a squeak coming from the living room. I set the lash curler down and rushed to see what is going on. I ran into the living room only to see Bill cuddling the cat. "Wha-... Did you just make that noise?" 

He ignored my question. "He is so cute!" He squeaked again, burying his nose in the kitten's fur. I just stood there, my jaw dropped. The same guy who has millions of people head over heels for him, the same guy who saved millions of people with his band's music, the same guy who was just moaning in my bathroom just by the sensation of me shuffling a bit while sitting on his lap was now standing there squeaking like a 6-year-old girl seeing a five-foot fluffy unicorn toy while hugging my cat.

"Uhh, Bill?" I asked, unsure. His eyes met mine. "I haven't washed the cat yet. God knows where it has been, and it was kind of playing with its shit earlier in the car."

He froze. He silently placed the cat next to the bowl and walked to his room, probably to wash his mouth. I giggled to myself and looked at the little creature that was eating like it hasn't been fed in years.

I walked into my bathroom and put on some mascara. Then I got my purse, turned off the lights, and went to see if Bill was ready. We walked outside, and I was shocked to see a limo parked on the street. He took my hand in his, and we walked towards it. When we got in, I looked around. The interior was in black and gold colors, crystal glasses, and a bucket with champagne in it sitting on what looked like a mini-fridge. Bill opened the little fridge and took out a whiskey bottle. He poured a glass and handed it to me, then he poured one for himself. 

For the rest of the ride, we remained silent, except for the one time when he offered to refill my glass.

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