She gets off me before giving me a hand up, I take her arm and she pulls me into herself bringing us into another hug.  "How have you been?" She says to me

"I've been good, it was weird being here instead of beauxbatons but then I got used to it, but now that I see you all and madam Maxine is realise how much I really missed you guys"

She pulls away and turns to all the other students, "I think you know most of them but we're doing introductions again"

I nods before she tells me who's who "ok so the girl with brown hair and the rosy cheeks is Estelle Aubert, she is 17 and is in Seventh year. Then we have the twins who I'm sure you remember Renee Auclair and Noemie Auclair. Final girl is Desiree Dumont she is 18 and is in Seventh year"

Then she turns to the boys "So the boy who looks like he's 19 but is actually 15 is Benoit Boucher, he is in Fourth year. Then we have Alexandre Allard, pretty sure you know who he is saying how he was Alex' best friend"

I look at her "was?" She turns to me "yeah after it got out why you burned down 2 thirds of the school he was disgusted on how his best mate could do that to someone so he dropped Alex and became really popular making Alex jelous because no one wants him now"

I laugh "Karma is a bitch"

She laughs "I guess it is, ok now final boy. That is Edouard Dumont he is Desiree' brother, well twins. And he is hot"

I look at him "I guess he is, but I'm keeping my eye out for someone else" I say glancing at Mattheo.

Should I want to date him still? No. But if he asked me again I would probably say yes.

"Now it's time for introductions again" I say slowly walking over to them.

"bienvenue à Poudlard, je m'appelle Allison Evergreen" I say getting their attention "je vous ferai visiter Poudlard pendant votre séjour ici. si vous avez des questions, posez-les-moi et je pourrai y répondre"

"Welcome to Hogwarts, My name is Allison Evergreen and I will show you around Hogwarts while you stay here, If you have any questions ask me and I can answer them"

Noemie looks at me and gives me a hug, the twins are very different to each other. Noemie is kind and loves everything and everyone, while Renée doesn't, she hates everyone and everything.

I hug her back before she steps away "Allison, c'est bon de te revoir"

"Allison, it's good to see you again"

"ça fait plaisir de te revoir aussi, comment s'est passée l'école?"

"It's nice to see you again too, how is school?"

"c'est bien, on est encore en train de reconstruire le bloc potion mais à part ça c'est bien"

"it's good, we're still rebuilding the potion block but other than that it's good"

I look at her and sigh "ouais, désolé pour ça"

"Yeah, sorry about that"

She laughs "Honnêtement, si telle était ma situation, j'aurais fait pire. ou a amené Renée à faire pire"

"Honestly, if that was my situation, I would have done worse. or caused Renee to do worse"

I look over to Renée "et nous savons tous les deux qu'elle pourrait faire pire"

"and we both know she could do worse"

I look at Noemie and over to Elena "en fait j'ai une question?"

This wasn't the plan (M.R x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now