27- desert to rain

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Qibli and Bloodmoon found Thorn and his siblings, Peril was talking to Thorn while Winter, Moon and Kinkajou were all checking out a stand that had food and Sky was pouncing on a scorpion. Sky noticed them first and said "Hey Qibli, get Bloodmoon, good to see your here!" Peril and Thorn stopped talking and looked over at them, "Oh, Qibli, good to see you here, we are planning on going to the rainforest soon." Peril said.

Qibli felt saddened by the fact that they were leaving so soon but he understood why, the Scorpion's den was more dangerous with thieves and assassin plus his family wasn't good so it would be best if they left, but Qibli still felt saddened by this, suddenly Bloodmoon said "Are you sure you have to leave so soon, I mean there's still so you haven't seen." Thorn walked up to Bloodmoon and talked to him quietly, he looked saddened slightly and then said "Yeah, I suppose you all should get going, the rainforest is safer then her, but don't forget you have friends here."

(Time skip)

They all were outside of Scorpion's den, Qibli was about say goodbye to Bloodmoon but Bloodmoon beat him to it and said "Qibli, it was amazing to meet you, I hope to see you again someday soon." Qibli looked at Bloodmoon's sky blue eyes, he had a look in his eyes that told Qibli that he didn't want to say goodbye.

Qibli smiled softy and said "Don't worry Bloodmoon, I'm sure we'll return one day to see you." Bloodmoon smiled softly and nodded before going back into the Scorpion's den. Qibli began to fly off with his siblings, he hoped that he would see Bloodmoon one day, he was a nice dragon and Qibli truly felt something for him.

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