I Miss You A Lot You Know?

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Dedicated to some friends of mine! (f1shyowoConstantDerivative)

Oh and also, their ages here are around 17-19

¡TW!: Mentions of SH, and topics on Su1c1de

Word Count: 1429


They had lost him. In the middle of a mission, they lost one of their friends. A mission to retrieve yet another powersphera. All went well until they had finally gotten the Powersphera. Mid-battle, a deadly blow was just about to be released. 

Just as Boboiboy was about to sacrifice yet again, he took the hit for them. They completed the mission, but at what cost? They were at a lost, and so was his brother.

Kaizo hadn't been the same after Fang's death. He had bags under his puffy, red eyes. He isolated himself almost 24/7, unless he had to go to the bathroom or to eat. And when he did come out of isolation, he constantly had a tear-stained face.. 

Less missions, more time off. And no one could blame him. He was grieving. They all were. Make matters worse today is his funeral... and birthday.


Boboiboy stood at the back of the crowd, allowing the others to be closer to Fang. Especially his family. Kaizo, his mom and dad-who are surprisingly very much alive- are at the front comforting each other.

He stared blankly to the coffin as everyone said their final goodbyes. His mind and eyes went blank as he stared off into space. As much as he wanted to cry, he held it in. Enough tears had been spilled already. He was gonna be strong for them. He was strong anyways. This is nothing new. Nothing's new at all.

He sat through the reception and burial, no emotion at all. Ochobot, who stood beside him during the entire thing, looked at him with concern the entire time. Boboiboy noticed it but forced a smile, rubbing Ochobot on the head soothingly. While he was not totally convinced, he knew it would do no good if he tried to push it forward. So they sat together, silently comforting each other and hugging each other.

As all the guests started to leave, Boboiboy walked up to the grave. He knelt down in front of it. He rubbed the headstone, as though he was giving his last goodbyes. "Hey Boboiboy..." Kaizo called from behind. Boboiboy snapped his head and saw Kaizo, alone. "Yes Kapten?" Boboiboy asked, still taking note of his higher status.

Kaizo walked in front of the young boy and gently ruffled his hair. "No need for formalities Boboiboy... It's out of working hours..." Kaizo assured him. Boboiboy blushed lightly, but gave him a warm smile nonetheless. "I just wanted to say... thank you.." Kaizo said. Boboiboy looked a bit surprised, which didn't go unnoticed by Kaizo. He admitted, "I do believe it was because of your kindness and support that Fang has gotten better... mentally... And overall a better person. So.. thank you... you helped my brother in so many ways...".

Kaizo enveloped the young boy in an embrace. This startled him, but Boboiboy returned it anyways. They sat like that for a few minutes, until Kaizo had to leave. But he didn't leave without thanking him and handing him something. "We went through Fang's stuff last night... and he wanted you to have this." Kaizo said, handing him a letter & a wrapped box. Boboiboy thanked him and they went their separate ways. 


Boboiboy arrived home after a long week of missions, and plopped on the bed, extremely tired. It's been a month since Fang's funeral, and he still can't get over it at all. But it seems like everyone else had, especially Laksamana & Komander. Seriously, almost 2 days after the funeral, they were back to missions. Well, a hero can never truly rest, no matter what.

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