An apology

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I believe that realisation is probably the worst punishment that someone can get. When I started writing, I was pretty angry, I wanted to give things my own twist and make it happier for me. I believe I was a self absorbed jerk back when I wrote my first fic. Because I was so angry that I was willing to write almost 200 chapters of a book that is really popular and give it my own twist.

In the name of writing something different, all I probably did was piss people off and put their mental health through a lot. And, for that I am really really sorry It was a horrible thing to do.

A lot of things have happened over the last two years. Overall it's been a horrible few years. Writing has been the best part of my life over these years.

No I'm not quitting writing.That won't happen now.

I just want to acknowledge all my wrongdoings so the burden gets taken off my shoulder atleast a little bit. I have been spiteful. By writing out of anger I have hurt a lot of people's emotions and for that I apologise. My mental health shouldn't be an excuse for me to hurt anybody.

I know that an apology won't change anything at all at the end of the day. But, this is the least I could do. I deserved everything that happened when I received a lot of backlash over a fic that I wrote. I was horrible I chose to be pathetic about it.Things derailed from their very quick.

This is a fandom. People are not always going to agree with you. And, you need to learn to deal with that. Fandoms are an escape from all the ugly things that you have to face everyday. It sucks to say that I have ruined the experience for a lot of my followers

Anger always brings out something ugly within someone I believe I write when I get angry It has hurt a lot of people. I miss those days when my updates made people happy instead of bringing about this dread anger making them feel as though I have ruined their days

I am working on myself. And I can't promise anything at this point. I will fix all my fics and edit them once I am done with my exams

Also I am not leaving or discontinuing writing. I believe I owe people an apology I hope I write something nice in the future so that it makes you guys happy

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